SUSTAINABILITY Sustainability reporting

Sustainability reporting

We seek to report fully and transparently on our sustainability performance. This is done chiefly through our Integrated Annual Review but we also adhere to a range of reporting standards and indices.

Integrated Annual Report
View online Integrated Annual Reports
GRI Reports

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): we utilise the GRI's comprehensive sustainability reporting framework that is widely used around the world.

Climate Change Reports

Until 2018 we voluntarily reported to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) on our greenhouse gas emissions, energy use and the risks and opportunities arising from climate change. Since 2019 we have prepared our Climate Change reports aligned to the recommendations of the Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

CDP Submissions

The CDP has combined its carbon and water disclosure reports under one document – the CDP Corporate Questionnaire. Gold Fields’ submissions are shown here:

Carbon Disclosure Project: We voluntarily report to the CDP on our greenhouse gas emissions, energy use and the risks and opportunities arising from climate change. In 2017 we were ranked as one of the top JSE listed companies on the CDP.

CDP submission 2018 PDF – 388KB
CDP submission 2017 PDF – 2MB
CDP submission 2016 PDF – 1MB
CDP submission 2015 PDF – 720KB
CDP submission 2014 PDF – 740KB
CDP submission 2013 PDF – 334KB
CDP submission 2012 PDF – 741KB
CDP submission 2011 PDF – 485KB
CDP submission 2010 PDF – 148KB
CDP submission 2009 PDF – 817KB
CDP submission 2008 PDF – 266KB

CDP Water Disclosure Project: Since 2011 we have voluntarily submitted information relating to our water usage, goals and water-related risks to the CDP's water disclosure project

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI)

The DJSI is the oldest and most respected measure of sustainability performance of listed companies worldwide. It includes an assessment of approximately 9,400 of the world's largest public companies. Gold Fields has been ranked in the top ten in the mining index since 2011 – and has almost consistently been one of the top gold miners on the index as well as the highest ranked South African-listed and domiciled mining company.

International Cyanide Management Code

Gold Fields’ operations which use cyanide in the mining process comply with the International Cyanide Management Code. This voluntary industry programme is focused on the safe management of cyanide by companies producing gold and/or silver. Operations are assessed for compliance triennially by independent auditors. Our audits are here.

Sustainability Yearbook
JSE FTSE Russell ESG Rating

JSE – The Johannesburg Stock Exchange FTSE Russell ESG Rating (previously the Socially Responsible Index) measures the triple bottom line performance of companies in the FTSE/JSE All Share Index. 2024 marked the 20th successive year that Gold Fields was included in the index and in most of these years it was ranked as a top performer.

International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)
World Gold Council

Gold Fields rejoined the World Gold Council (WGC) in 2022 after resigning its membership in 2014. As a member in 2012 and 2013, Gold Fields was instrumental in the development and piloting of the WGC Conflict-Free Gold Standard and all our eligible operations are in conformance with the Standard. Copies of Gold Fields' Conflict-Free Gold Report, its Statement of Conformance and the independent limited assurance opinion are listed below:

Human Rights Standards
Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR)

Our operations are aligned with the VPSHR, a commitment we made in 2017 which has since become a requirement of the ICMM Performance Expectations and the WGC Responsible Gold Mining Principles. Gold Fields' support for VPSHR is captured in our Human Rights Policy Statement. Gold Fields recognises its responsibility to secure its people and assets. This requires particular attention in higher-risk operating environments, areas of relatively weak governance and areas affected by illegal mining. Furthermore, as a producer of an inherently high-value and easily transportable product, there are obvious risks around the transfer of gold between our mining operations and the refineries where it is processed. Nonetheless, professional and effective security provision (particularly where this involves the actual or potential use of physical force) should not compromise the human rights of others.

All Gold Fields and private security contractors receive human rights training during the induction process and at least annually thereafter, including the VPSHR. Security is managed at regional level because each region has its specific context. Gold Fields’ protection services teams work with both private and public security providers – for the effective and responsible protection of workers and assets. All private security contractors receive human rights training during induction, and at least annually thereafter, including on the VPSHR. A study was carried out during 2017 to assess the gaps between our current systems and the VPSHR – no substantive gaps were identified – and gaps were closed out in 2018. Where we work with public law enforcement personnel, such as in Ghana in dealing with illegal mining, we ensure that the personnel operate responsibly, guided by the VPSHR. Private sector security providers’ contracts are aligned to the VPSHR. We updated our Human Rights Policy Statement to reference our support for the VPSHR.

Information about our recent performance can be found in our latest Integrated Annual Report.

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP)

We are constantly looking at ways to improve our business and this includes evolving human rights through the identification of salient human rights issues in the Group. Salient human rights issues as defined by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) are those human rights that have the most severe negative impacts as a result of the company's activities or business relationships. With the assistance of Shift, a leading centre of expertise on the UNGP, we considered the stakeholder groups impacted by the key activities in the business and in our supply chain and prioritised the human rights impacts by determining their severity. Eight salient issues were identified for Gold Fields one of which is abuse of power by public and private security. We conducted a detailed bow-tie analysis that included listing the causes of the issue, their consequences, and preventative controls, mitigatory controls in place. We closed out the gaps during 2019 and 2020.

United Nations Global Compact

United Nations Global Compact: the UNGC is based on ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Gold Fields has been a participant since 2006. Gold Fields submits its annual communication on progress at an advanced level.

Energy Efficiency Opportunities Public Report