THIS IS GOLD FIELDS Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholder engagement


Stakeholders are an integral part of Gold Fields’ business, representing a wide range of rights and interests that both influence and are impacted by our business and operations.  Ensuring that our stakeholders’ interests are appropriately represented, considered and acted upon is critical to achieving our Purpose of creating enduring value beyond mining.  This Purpose, together with our Vision of being the preferred gold mining company, delivering sustainable, superior value, requires us to develop strong relationships with our stakeholders, built on open, transparent, and meaningful engagement.


Gold Fields adopts a stakeholder-inclusive approach. For engagement to be meaningful, it must have mutual respect and trust at its core, and allow for participative and informed decision-making, balancing our stakeholders’ interests, needs and expectations with our own.  This balance is also reflected in our approach to shared value, with a commitment to achieving outcomes that are mutually beneficial.  Stakeholder engagement and relations are central to our commitment to ESG, which is one of Gold Fields’ three strategic pillars. We report stakeholder engagement and relationship strategies, policies and case studies in our annual Report to Stakeholders. The Gold Fields Board, particularly its Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee, has oversight of stakeholder engagement and relations.


Our ability to create enduring value relies to a great extent on the support and input of our stakeholders, which in turn is informed by understanding their needs and expectations. We believe that honest and mutually beneficial stakeholder relationships are essential for our operations to achieve sustainable returns that benefit all.  As such, we want to be the gold mining company that investors choose to invest in, governments and communities prefer as partner in managing their mines, and that people want to work for.

Gold Fields Policies and Commitments

Our Stakeholder Relationship and Engagement Policy Statement was updated in 2023 and commits us to:

To attain this, we commit to:

 Everyone working for Gold Fields plays an active role in achieving these commitments by:

The following internal policies and guidelines support our work in this area:

We are guided by the  AccountAbility AA1000 Principles of materiality, responsiveness and inclusivity in our stakeholder engagement.

As a member of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), we engage actively with our peers on stakeholder engagement in the organisation’s committees, working groups and practice groups. We are required to implement and publicly report and assure our performance against its Mining Principles and Performance Expectations, particularly:

  1. Implement effective risk-management strategies and systems based on sound , and which account for stakeholder perceptions of risk.
    1. Assess environmental and social risks and opportunities of new projects and of significant changes to existing operations in consultation with interested and affected stakeholders, and publicly disclose assessment results.
    2. Develop, maintain and test emergency response plans. Where risks to external stakeholders are significant, this should be in collaboration with potentially affected stakeholders and consistent with established industry good practice.
  2. Pursue continual improvement in environmental performance issues, such as water stewardship, energy use and climate change.
    1. Plan and design for closure in consultation with relevant authorities and stakeholders, implement measures to address closure-related environmental and social aspects, and make financial provision to enable agreed closure and post-closure commitments to be realised.
  3. Pursue continual improvement in social performance and contribute to the social, economic and institutional development of host countries and communities.
    1. Implement inclusive approaches with local communities to identify their development priorities and support activities that contribute to their lasting social and economic wellbeing, in partnership with government, civil society and development agencies, as appropriate.
    2. Conduct stakeholder engagement based upon an analysis of the local context and provide local with stakeholders access to effective mechanisms for seeking resolution of grievances related to the company and its activities.
  4. Proactively engage key stakeholders on sustainable development challenges and opportunities in an open and transparent manner, effectively report and independently verify progress and performance.
    1. Identify and engage with key corporate-level external stakeholders on sustainable development issues in an open and transparent manner.

We apply ICMM’s guidance on:

As a member of the World Gold Council (WGC), we are required to implement and publicly report and assure our performance against its Responsible Gold Mining Principles, particularly:

  1. Understanding our impacts: we will engage with our stakeholders and implement management systems so as to ensure that we assess, understand and manage our impacts, realise opportunities and provide remedy where needed
    1. Stakeholder Engagement: We will listen to and engage with stakeholders in order to understand better their interests and concerns and integrate this knowledge into how we do business.
    2. Resolving Grievances: We will establish fair, accessible, effective and timely mechanisms through which complaints and grievances related to our activities can be raised and resolved and remedies implemented. Those raising such grievances in good faith will not face discrimination or retaliation as a result of raising their concerns.

We interact with peers on stakeholder engagement in a range of WGC and ICMM working groups, specifically the Community Support Practice Group and Indigenous Peoples Working Group.

National industry associations in our countries of operation also address stakeholder engagement and relations, particularly with governments, and we participate actively in these forms.

Management Actions

Our strong stakeholder relationships and the value we distribute support more than our social licence
to operate – they are at the core of our Group purpose of creating enduring value beyond mining.

In 2022 we established a Group-wide stakeholder engagement forum to oversee the implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. We apply the following principles of stakeholder engagement:

At an operational level, all our projects and mines identify, prioritise and directly engage stakeholders that have the potential to affect their operational, sustainability or financial performance. Direct engagement includes organised dialogues, roundtable discussions, one-on-one meetings, internal surveys and regular engagement with local communities, community-based NGOs and local government representatives. All our operations have stakeholder engagement plans, as well as established grievance mechanisms that enable us to address and resolve grievances that arise from our activities.

At a strategic level, our corporate and regional management teams implement ongoing direct and indirect engagement, including the use of external benchmarks and standards that are designed to frame and address societal expectations.

Stakeholder concerns and expectations and our resp

  • A workplace culture that is physically and
    psychologically safe
  • A diverse, inclusive and enabling culture
    with opportunities for innovation
  • Learning and development opportunities
  • A refined operating model
  • A revised employee value proposition
  • A company that is ethical and sustainable
  • Cultivated a stringent safety and health culture
  • Optimised business processes and operational efficiencies
  • Facilitated greater work-life balance
  • Promoted increased employee diversity and inclusion
  • Established a clear profile of the status of harassment,
  • discrimination and bullying
  • Provided clarity on the relative roles of our corporate and regional
  • employees
  • Defined and communicated the desired company cultural
  • attributes and leadership behaviours
  • Provided greater clarity on job requirements and career growth

and suppliers)

  • In-country and host community procurement
  • of goods and services
  • Investment in enterprise and supplier
  • development
  • Sustainable materials and supply chain
  • stewardship
  • Payment times for host community small and
  • medium-sized enterprise (SME) suppliers
  • Communication and engagement on issues
  • relating to respectful workplaces and gender safety
  • Opportunities for businesses owned by
  • women, Aboriginal people and historically
    disadvantaged people
  • Ensured 97% of total procurement spend was from in‑country
  • businesses
  • Included all business partners in our health and safety
  • management systems
  • Improved payment times for SME host community suppliers
  • Launched an enterprise and supplier development (ESD) and
  • procurement support programme at our South Deep mine, and established and capitalised two ESD funds
  • Worked with suppliers and contractors at our Australian mines and
  • Perth office to: ― Enhance communication and engagement on issues relating to gender safety and support physical and psychological safety ― Ensure all complaints of sexual harassment, assault or bullying are investigated fairly ― Review all ablution facilities to ensure these meet an acceptable and consistent standard ― Promote host community and aboriginal business participation in the value chain

Host communities

  • Employment and procurement opportunities
  • Skills and enterprise development
  • Mitigation of adverse environmental impacts
  • Environmental resilience
  • Social investments
  • Assisting with social and economic hardship
  • Benefit-sharing agreements
  • Protection of culture and heritage
  • Delivered 27% of total value created by Gold Fields to host
  • communities
  • Created business opportunities through host community
  • procurement
  • Unlocked opportunities for community employment at our mines
  • Invested in integrated community development, including health
  • and wellbeing, environment and infrastructure
  • Expanded the skills base of our host communities
  • Provided support to enhance capacity in host community
  • organisations
  • Negotiated agreements with host communities and Indigenous
  • Peoples
  • Approved a pipeline of legacy programmes for roll-out from 2023
  • Implemented stakeholder engagement plans


  • Compliance with all relevant legislation and
  • regulations
  • Respect for human rights
  • Payment of taxes, royalties and other levies
  • In-country employment and procurement
  • Socio-economic investments in host
  • communities, particularly infrastructure related investments
  • Avoidance of corruption
  • Contribution to the delivery of the UN SDGs
  • Over 87% of employees are nationals of the countries of operation
  • Paid royalties and taxes to host governments that, if utilised
  • appropriately, can enable them to develop critical infrastructure
  • Invested in SED projects that contribute to the UN SDGs and grow
  • and sustain non-mining jobs


Our Stakeholders and Partners

The following are regarded as Gold Fields’ material stakeholders, across the Group:

Measurement, Evaluation, Assurance and Assessment

Outcomes from our operational and strategic stakeholder engagements are logged in our Group External Interaction & Commitment Register and communicated through our Enterprise Risk Management process – and so form a vital part of the Group’s risk management programme and mitigation measures.

Gold Fields makes extensive use of surveys to understand what our stakeholders think, feel and believe about Gold Fields, including:

We use the insights from these assessments to inform our stakeholder engagement plans.

Reporting and Disclosure

Gold Fields stakeholder engagements are monitored, evaluated and transparently reported. This includes, but is not limited, to the following frameworks and standards: 

The company’s approach and commitment to stakeholder engagement and relations is publicly disclosed on the Gold Fields website. 

Case Study

Shift, the leading center of expertise on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, as part of its Valuing Respect Project, a collaborative initiative to redefine evaluation of business respect for huma rights – has published a case study on Using Relationship Data to Improve Business Practices: Measuring company-community relationships. This is focused on the work by our South Deep mine in recognition of steps the company has taken to improve its practices based on the insight from community shared in the assessment