St Ives Gold Mine
Technical Short Form Report
St Ives Gold Mine represents a solid base for Gold Fields growth in Australia and is an
important contributor to the Gold Fields’ vision, “To be the global leader in sustainable gold
mining,” with a target contribution from the Australasia Region of ~1 Moz per annum.
Reported Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves at St Ives gold mine show a headline
increase of 1,105 and 443 koz during F2009 respectively, inclusive of a depletion of 490
koz, indicating an underlying increase of 1,595 and 933 koz respectively. Changes from
June 2008 were dominated by discoveries at Athena and Hamlet, and the impact of the
higher declared gold price. The St Ives LoM has again been extended by a further 12 months
following a year of continued exploration successes.
The St Ives Gold Mining Company (Pty) Limited is wholly owned by Gold Fields Limited
and is situated within the highly prospective Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belt in Western
Australia. The St Ives operations are conducted within mining tenements comprised of
366 Mining Titles (69.919 ha), 9 Exploration Licences (15,530 ha), 47 Prospecting Licences
(7,194 ha) and 19 Miscellaneous Licences (14,643 ha) for a total area of approximately
107,286 ha.
This Technical Short Form Report reflects the latest Life of Mine plan, coupled with an
updated Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve statement as at 30 June 2009. All Mineral
Resource and Mineral Reserve figures reported are managed unless otherwise stated and
Mineral Resources are inclusive of Mineral Reserves.
Salient Features
- Highly prospective gold camp in the Norseman-Wiluna Archaean
Greenstone Belt.
- Dynamic mix of open pit and underground mining operations.
- Mineral Resources at 5.6 Moz.
- Mineral Reserves at 2.3 Moz – increase of 24% post F2009 depletion.
- Continuous exploration and resource definition programmes supported by
Research and Development (R&D) initiatives.
- Athena – Hamlet complex; significant discovery in 2009.
- Life of Mine extends to 2014 (5 years).
The St Ives gold mine is located 80 km south of Kalgoorlie, near Lake Lefroy in the Eastern
Goldfields region of Western Australia. Gold was discovered at Kambalda in 1897 at “Red Hill
Camp”. New discoveries during 1919 led to the construction of many small mines and a town in
the St Ives area.
St Ives takes its name from the largest of the many small, historic workings scattered throughout
the area, that of Ives Reward, which was discovered by prospector Pat Ives. Mining here was
discontinued for many years until resumed by Western Mining Company (WMC) Limited in 1981,
when gold production from St Ives began. Since then St Ives has produced 86.1 Mt of ore at
an average grade of 3.3 g/t yielding 9.2 Moz from 40 open pits and 16 underground mining
operations. Gold Fields Limited acquired the St Ives gold mining operations in Western Australia
from WMC Limited in December 2001. |
Key Features
Independent Audit |
Figures reported in this declaration were as reviewed and approved by independent, external consultants as
at 30 June 2009 |
Prepared by |
Gold Fields Limited |
Effective date |
30 June 2009 |
Source of Information |
This Technical Statement is a summary of the internally sourced document entitled F2010 St Ives Competent
Persons Report |
Personal Inspection |
Personal inspection is conducted by the Competent Persons as listed, who are full time employees of Gold Fields
Limited |
General Location |
The St Ives operations extend from 5 to 25 km south-southwest of the town of Kambalda in Western Australia,
approximately 630 km east of Perth at latitude 31° 12` S and longitude 121° 40` E. The nearest major settlement
is the town of Kalgoorlie situated 80 km to the north. Well established power, access roads and supporting
infrastructure exist in the area |
Licence Status and Holdings |
St Ives controls exploration and mineral rights over a total area of 92,643 ha(total of granted tenements) and has
security of tenure for all current exploration and mining leases that contribute to future Mineral Reserves |
Operational Infrastructure |
St Ives currently operates three underground mines accessed via declines and several open pits. Centralised
administrative, engineering & Mill/CIP processing plant with a supplementary Heap Leach processing plant |
Climate |
No extreme climatic conditions are experienced that may affect mining operations |
Deposit Type |
Archaean Orogenic Greenstone gold hosted in a number of different styles of mineralisation |
Life of Mine (LoM) |
It is estimated that the current Mineral Reserve will be depleted in 2014 |
Environmental |
The mine maintained AS4801:2000 Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification and
ISO14001:2004, (Environmental Management System) certification. Post year end the mine was awarded full ICMI
Cyanide Code compliance |
Regulatory Codes |
Gold Fields reports its Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves in accordance with the South African Code for
The Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (2007 SAMREC Code), and other
relevant international codes such as SEC Industry Guide 7, JORC Code and NI 43 – 101. The Mineral Resources
and Mineral Reserves are underpinned by a sufficient Mineral Resource Management process and protocol to
ensure adequate corporate governance in respect of the intent of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act |
Gold Fields has
stated that: “If we cannot mine
safely, we will not
mine”. This principle
is embedded at
St Ives. |
Operating Statistics
F2009 |
Open pit mining |
– Waste mined |
’000 BCM |
9,921 |
11,807 |
9,892 |
6,764 |
9,352 |
– Ore mined |
’000 tons |
5,799 |
5,143 |
3,928 |
4,487 |
3,738 |
– Head grade |
g/t |
1.5 |
1.7 |
2.2 |
1.9 |
1.8 |
– Strip ratio |
waste:ore |
4.3 |
5.8 |
6.8 |
4.4 |
6.3 |
Underground mining |
– Ore mined |
’000 tons |
1,222 |
901 |
1,336 |
1,771 |
2,134 |
– Head grade |
g/t |
5.1 |
5.2 |
5.3 |
4.6 |
5.5 |
Processing |
– Milled |
’000 tons |
4,821 |
4,647 |
4,669 |
4,567 |
4,052 |
– Heap leach |
’000 tons |
2,441 |
2,586 |
2,090 |
2,123 |
2,280 |
Total |
’000 tons |
7,262 |
7,233 |
6,759 |
6,690 |
6,332 |
Yield |
– Milled |
g/t |
2.5 |
2.5 |
3.3 |
3.1 |
3.7 |
– Heap leach |
g/t |
0.5 |
0.6 |
0.9 |
0.5 |
0.6 |
Combined |
g/t |
1.8 |
1.8 |
2.2 |
2.3 |
2.6 |
Gold produced |
– Milled |
kg |
12,187 |
11,552 |
14,177 |
14,404 |
15,707 |
– Heap leach |
kg |
1,135 |
1,440 |
969 |
1,036 |
1,286 |
Total |
kg |
13,322 |
12,992 |
15,146 |
15,440 |
16,393 |
Total |
’000 tons |
428 |
418 |
487 |
496 |
527 |
Total cash costs |
A$/oz |
805 |
649 |
540 |
453 |
447 |
US$/oz |
596 |
582 |
424 |
339 |
336 |
US$/oz |
757 |
836 |
579 |
459 |
553 |
A$m |
1,023 |
932 |
738 |
– |
– |
Capital expenditure |
A$m |
92,9 |
120,3 |
96,6 |
– |
– |
– Life of Mine |
years |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Mineral Reserves |
million tons |
30.1 |
25.9 |
33.0 |
27.4 |
30.3 |
Mineral Reserves head grade |
g/t |
2.4 |
2.3 |
2.4 |
2.5 |
2.6 |
Rounding off of figures presented in this report may result in minor computational discrepancies, where this occurs it
is not deemed significant.
Geological Setting and Mineralisation
St Ives is situated in the Norseman-Wiluna
Greenstone Belt, which is part of the Yilgarn
Craton, a 2.6 Ga granite-greenstone terrane
in Western Australia. In comparison to other
greenstone belts in the Yilgarn Craton, the
Norseman-Wiluna Belt is highly mineralised,
particularly in gold and nickel. The rock-types
in the belt comprise abundant tholeiitic and
komatiitic volcanic rocks, chert, sulphidic
and albitic sedimentary rocks, and a chain of
discrete felsic volcanic centres.
The gross structure is markedly linear with
north-northwest trending strike-slip faults
and other tectonic lineaments traceable for
hundreds of kilometres, which disrupt the
greenstone into fault-bounded domains.
The generalised stratigraphic sequence
comprises three mafic-ultramafic units, two
felsic volcanic units, and an uppermost
epiclastic sequence.
There has been a complex and long-lasting
history of structural deformation incorporating
up to 7 significant stages (D0-D7) during
and after regional metamorphism. The gold
mineralising episodes are interpreted to
have occurred during thrusting and faulting
associated with the D2-D3 structural events.
Metamorphism has affected all rock-types
and ranges from low temperature prehnitepumpellyite
facies to high temperature-pressure
amphibolite and granulite facies. Flexures and
irregularities in many local and regional shear
zones are interpreted to be the major control
on location of the majority of economic gold
deposits in the belt.
Much of the Yilgarn Craton is deeply weathered
and partially covered by Tertiary and Quaternary
regolith. Pre-Tertiary lateritic horizons are
variably exposed, eroded or buried by later
deposits that have in turn been lateritised.
Local geology
St Ives lies within the Kambalda Domain,
a subset of the Norseman-Wiluna Belt.
The Kambalda Domain is bound by the northnorthwest
trending Boulder-Lefroy Fault (BLF)
and Zuleika Shear. The region has undergone
four compressional events pre-dated by early
extension and has been metamorphosed to
upper greenschist or lower amphibolite facies.
The main structural feature of the St Ives
area is the gently south plunging Kambalda
Anticline, which extends 35 km from the south
end of the Kambalda Dome to the Junction
Mine. The majority of known gold deposits
are proximal to the trace of the anticlinal axis.
A major second order structure known as the
Playa Shear splays off the BLF Shear Zone
and can be traced through the St Ives field
for a distance in excess of 10 km. Most of the
St Ives orebodies mined to date are associated
with third order splays off the Playa Shear –
notable exceptions being Argo and Santa Ana
which are situated on the western limb of the
anticline. Mineralisation typically occurs where
these structures intersect favourable rock
units, with chemical or rheological contrasts
combining with structural flexures to form the
most important local controls to mineralisation.
The interaction between structures and
rock-types has produced a large number of
individual deposits with at least 80 having been
mined in the St Ives area.
The stratigraphic succession in the Kambalda
Domain comprises Kalgoorlie Group volcanic
rocks and the Black Flag Group felsic volcanic
and sedimentary rocks overlain by the posttectonic
Merougil Beds unit.
The most common host rocks of gold
mineralisation are dolerites such as the
Defiance, Condenser and Junction Dolerites.
Granophyric dolerite and Kapai Slate tend
to host the highest grade mineralisation.
The Paringa Basalt and Kambalda Komatiite
host deposits in discrete shear structures that
are moderate in both tonnage and grade. Low
to moderate grade, high tonnage mineralisation
is commonly developed in porphyries, which
are found in almost all deposits.
The Kambalda Domain to the north is
structurally complex. Multiple phases of
deformation occurred during and after regional
metamorphism. The domain is crossed by a
network of variably striking and dipping first,
second, third and fourth-order shears, faults
and thrusts that control the location of the gold
Hydrothermal alteration and associated
gold mineralisation was synchronous with
deformation on a network of shear zones.
Alteration is concentrated in 10 cm to
300 m wide halos around shear zones. Gold
is commonly associated with pyrite or granular
Schematic of gold mineralisation occurrences |
There are several styles of gold mineralisation
at St Ives. The individual deposits may contain
more than one of these styles:
- Lode mineralisation: Lode mineralisation
typically consists of a 0.5 cm to 20 m wide
mesothermal vein complexes ± hydraulic
breccias, ± mylonites;
- Supergene: Broad zones of flat lying gold
mineralisation in weathered Archaean and
overlying Tertiary rocks; and
- Subordinate Tertiary palaeoplacer
Exploration drilling |
Exploration and drilling
The St Ives exploration strategy incorporates
the integration of geological information
and knowledge of ore forming systems to
identify targets with the greatest potential for
conversion from endowment, thus maintaining
a high value project pipeline.
This strategy includes:
- Greenfields – enhance the capacity and data
consolidation to identify additional targets
based on new knowledge and application of
current Research & Development initiatives;
- Continued support, application and
integration of company/industry funded
research projects aimed at understanding
the structural, geochemical and ore
mineralizing fluid pathways applicable to the
St Ives gold camp;
- Convert and integrate existing knowledge
and research into 3 dimensional information
data sets to identify additional target areas
internally and externally to current lease
- Convert existing knowledge and expand
the future potential of the Athena complex
- Increased targeting based on understanding
of the structural and macro boundary
modelling of ore shoot development at
various mine sites; and
- Aggressive and continued drill out of
identified targets across the spectrum of
exploration projects.
Visible gold within quartz vein |
Diamond drilling on Lake Lefroy |
Gold mineralisation at St Ives is mined via both
open pit and underground methods to depths
generally not exceeding 500m below surface.
As many of the operations involve mining
deposits on or under Lake Lefroy (a shallow
salt lake), extraction requires construction
of berms and other earthworks to provide
access, short-term stockpile areas and to
prevent water intrusion.
Mining methods
Open pit mining by conventional drill and
blast/truck and shovel is employed at all open
pits. Grade control is generally by inclined
RC drilling. Open pit projects may include
10 – 40 m of unconsolidated sedimentary
overburden which does not require drill and
blast, but requires hard rock to be imported for
sheeting to provide equipment access during
mining, and/or dewatering of the sedimentary
overburden prior to mining.
Load-and-haul is by 140t dump trucks and
150 – 250t excavators in backhoe and/or
face shovel configuration. Mining benches vary
from 5 – 10m which are excavated in 5 passes
(flitches) of about 2.5m.
Gold mineralisation is mined selectively to
cut-offs and segregated into grade ranges as
required to balance the ore production and processing capacities on site and maximise
cash flow from operations.
Underground mines at St Ives are commonly
extensions of open pit mines. Underground
operations are characterised by common
features which allow a high level of
standardisation in operating strategy, mine
design, stoping methods, mining equipment
and utilisation. Mines are accessed via
declines, with additional development of raises
for return airways and ladder-ways as second
means of egress. Ore drives are developed to
access the ore and future stoping production
Underground mining at St Ives is
predominantly mechanised and is conducted
by long hole open stoping (LHOS), with
subordinate cut-and-fill and room-and-pillar
for the shallower dipping orebodies. The use
of paste fill in conjunction with LHOS is applied
where mandated by geotechnical factors.
Development and stoping utilises electric-hydraulic
drilling jumbos and rubber-tyred
diesel-powered LHDs and trucks are used for
load and haul operations.
Ore from both open pit and underground
operations is transported with road trains from
individual mining operations to the St Ives’
processing facilities.
Leviathan open pit |
Mine planning and scheduling
Mineral Reserve definition processes for open
pit and underground operations are essentially
similar. Cut-off grades are applied to define
potentially economic mining panels based
on direct mining and/or processing costs,
commodity prices and other parameters.
The economic viability of future mining panels is
then tested by determining whether the margin
above cut-off is sufficient to cover the required
capital development costs and provide a return
on investment.
Open pit planning entails the input of economic
parameters and physical constraints into
optimisation software to generate a series
of nested pits, from which an optimal shell is
selected. Detailed design is then undertaken to
confirm the mineability of the optimised shell.
The process is iterated until an acceptable
level of correlation is achieved between the
optimised shell and detailed design.
Underground mining methods are largely
determined by the geometry of the mineralised
zones and the evaluation may involve review
of more than one method. Mine design and
scheduling is done utilising sophisticated
Mine planning is based on three-dimensional
block models of in-situ mineralisation, with
allowances made for minimum mining widths,
dilution and ore loss appropriate to the mining
method being considered.
Infrastructure, waste disposal and ore stockpile
management requirements are incorporated
into the planning process.
Ore stockpile management at St Ives
strives to optimise the metallurgical blend
requirements to the Lefroy Mill and the Heap
Leach, with regard to material types and grade
management, to maximise cash flow from
Datamine model of the Argo Complex |
The major mine expansion project at St Ives
is the initiation of underground mining at
the new Athena deposit. Portal and access
development has commenced to provide
exploration platforms and detailed mine
design coupled with full feasibility studies are
in progress.
Ongoing infrastructure development to meet
current and future mine extensions together with
extending the individual mines through focused
extensional exploration and development
continue. Other future projects are:
Heap Leach Expansion
The remaining pad capacity of the Heap Leach
is 0.4 million tons, or 2 months production at
the current throughput rate. Consideration
has been given to either the construction of a new pad or the removal of spent (leached)
ore from the existing pads. Preliminary site
trials indicated that removal of the current
spent material and re-usage of the pads will
be environmentally sound and economically
viable. A strategy of flushing, removing, restacking
and leaching will be employed to treat
the remainder of the Heap Leach ore supply.
Tailings Storage Facility
A fourth tailings storage facility (TSF 4) may be constructed and commissioned by January
2013 to allow tailings deposition from the
Lefroy Mill. TSF 2 has reached its renovation
limit and is expected to reach deposition
capacity by the end of 2009. It will be replaced
as an alternate deposition to TSF 3 with North
Orchin pit. Construction of TSF 4 will permit
the continual implementation of this strategy
beyond the current LoM.
LoM Tailings Deposition
LoM |
Available |
Surplus/ |
Capital |
Expenditure |
Mining |
Deposition |
Capacity |
(Shortfall) |
Requirement |
Period |
Operation |
(mt) |
(mt) |
(%) |
(A$M) |
(years) |
St Ives |
22.5 |
36.6 |
34 |
23.7* |
6 |
* Budget estimates including tailings lifts, TSF4 and North Orchin Construction
Mineral Processing
St Ives employs two separate beneficiation
processes, CIP plant and Heap Leach facility,
for the treatment of mined ore and existing
The Lefroy Mill was commissioned in
December 2004 and achieved design
capacity within seven months. It treats
medium to high grade ore through a
4.8 Mtpa variable speed dual direction
13.5 MW SAG mill with wrap around motor.
Oversize from the mill (scats) is in closed circuit
with a 140 tphr pebble crusher. A gravity
circuit recovers the gravity recoverable gold
from the milling circuit and the concentrates
are treated separately through to bullion
form. The mill cyclone overflow product
reports to a 5 stage leach circuit consisting
of mechanical agitators, reagent addition
and oxygen sparging. Leached slurry passes
through the 6 stage carousel pump cell
adsorption plant and subsequent 5 ton
capacity acid wash, elution and electrowinning
circuits which produce calcine ready for
smelting. Bullion is shipped to the refinery.
Tailings are alternately deposited on two tailings
facilities which are constructed upstream and
are of paddock type.
The Heap Leach process was commissioned
during 2000 and is used to at treat lower grade
ore at a rate of 2.3 Mtpa.
A three stage crushing circuit, of 900 kW
installed comminution power, is currently used
in a 24 hour operation to prepare -15 mm
ores for agglomeration, stacking and leaching.
A mobile oxide screen was recently introduced
to the circuit to screen off oxides at 35 mm for
direct feed into the agglomeration circuit thereby
bypassing the comminution phase. The leach
pads have been expanded in three stages
of 5.5 Mt each with the third stage nearing
full capacity. Alternate rehandling methods
are currently under review for sustainable
operation. Leaching on the heap is performed
in 2 stages with typical solution application of
8-10 litres per m2 per hour. The second stage
pregnant leach solution passes through a
6 stage carbon circuit for gold adsorption.
Gold is stripped off the carbon, electro won
and calcined at the Heap Leach wet plant
prior to shipment to the Lefroy Gold room for
Lefroy CIP processing plant |
Sustainable Development
St Ives strives to achieve and maintain
outstanding health and safety performance
through the participation of all employees
and the application of safe, innovative
processes and technologies, within a
framework of OHSAS 18001, which is an
international occupational health and safety
management system standard against which
our management systems are assessed and
At St Ives we strive to create a workplace
culture of “zero harm” and to assist us in this
pursuit for our people, we’ve embarked on a
programme of ZIP (Zero Incident Process).
ZIP is a process that gives the workplace
the genuine opportunity to reach the goal of
zero incidents. It is a process that empowers
people to be able to take control of their
personal safety. ZIP does this by giving them
an insight into the way their brain works and
how they can use it more effectively to keep
themselves safe.
At St Ives the consideration of our activities in
a manner which minimises our environmental
and stakeholder impacts is fundamental to
our operations and the way we do business.
The operation is committed to responsible
stewardship of natural resources, proactive
engagement with all stakeholders and
behaving in an environmentally responsible
manner. This is demonstrated through our
commitment to continuous improvement of
the site management systems and operational
performance. This is evident through our
ISO 14001:2004 certification and compliance
with our licence to operate.
F2009 |
Fatalities |
(No) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Fatality Rate |
(per mmhrs) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
(per mmhrs) |
2.1 |
2.1 |
2 |
1.8 |
0.8 |
Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
Mineral Resources
The Mineral Resource statement for St Ives is summarised in the tables below. The following points apply to Mineral Resources presented in this
- Quoted at an appropriate in-situ economic cut-off grade with tonnages and grades based on the inventory block model. They also include
estimates of any material below the cut-off grade required to be mined to extract the economic portion of the Mineral Resource;
- Attributable to St Ives Gold Mine;
- All references to “tons” should be taken as being in metric units.
- Surface sources are comprised of stockpiles. St Ives assumes that stockpiles are managed and monitored when mining occurs and are supported
by adequate sampling, and are thus classified as Measured Mineral Resources.
June 2009 |
June 2009 |
June 2009 |
Open pit and underground |
Measured |
2.5 |
1.2 |
2.2 |
4.0 |
6.3 |
4.1 |
322 |
250 |
287 |
Indicated |
41.3 |
32.4 |
42.9 |
2.7 |
2.8 |
2.7 |
3,544 |
2,951 |
3,689 |
Inferred |
15.9 |
8.9 |
10.5 |
3.2 |
4.1 |
3.6 |
1,636 |
1,175 |
1,210 |
Total open pit and underground |
59.7 |
42.5 |
55.5 |
2.9 |
3.2 |
2.9 |
5,503 |
4,376 |
5,185 |
Surface stockpiles |
Measured |
4.1 |
4.3 |
5.8 |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
139 |
163 |
235 |
Total surface stockpiles |
4.1 |
4.3 |
5.8 |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
139 |
163 |
235 |
Grand Total |
63.8 |
46.8 |
61.3 |
2.8 |
3.0 |
2.8 |
5,643 |
4,538 |
5,421 |
June 2009 |
June 2009 |
June 2009 |
Open pit |
40.4 |
27.8 |
34.8 |
1.8 |
1.9 |
1.9 |
2,337 |
1,699 |
2,041 |
Underground |
19.4 |
14.7 |
20.7 |
5.1 |
5.7 |
5.5 |
3,166 |
2,677 |
3,145 |
Stockpiles |
4.1 |
4.3 |
5.8 |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.2 |
139 |
163 |
235 |
Total |
63.8 |
46.8 |
61.3 |
2.8 |
3.0 |
2.8 |
5,643 |
4,538 |
5,421 |
Modifying factors
- The Measured and Indicated Mineral
Resources are inclusive of those Mineral
Resources modified to produce Mineral
- Unless otherwise stated, all Mineral
Resources and Mineral Reserves are quoted
as 100% and are not attributable with
respect to ownership;
- All Mineral Reserves are quoted in terms of
Run of Mine (RoM) grades and tonnages
as delivered to the metallurgical processing
facilities and are therefore fully diluted;
- Mineral Reserve statements include only
Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources,
modified to produce Mineral Reserves and
contained in the LoM plan; and
- Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
undergo both internal and external audits
either during the year, yearly or bi-annually,
and any issues identified are rectified at
the earliest opportunity – usually during
the current reporting cycle, though it does
sometimes occur that more comprehensive
work requires more time for adequate
Mineral Resource Gold Price |
US$/ oz |
1,000 |
US$/A$ |
1.25 |
A$/oz |
1,250 |
Cut off for heap leach |
g/t |
0.37 - 0.50 |
Cut off mill feed |
g/t |
0.53 - 3.30 |
Cut off for fresh ore |
g/t |
0.53 - 3.30 |
Cut off for oxcide ore |
g/t |
0.37 - 0.50 |
Cut off for open pit |
g/t |
0.37 - 0.79 |
Cut off for underground |
g/t |
2.10 - 3.30 |
Mineral Resource Gold Price |
US$/ oz |
800 |
US$/A$ |
1.25 |
A$/oz |
1000 |
Cut off for heap leach |
g/t |
0.41 - 0.81 |
Cut off for mill feed open pit |
g/t |
0.41 - 0.81 |
Cut off for mill feed u/g |
g/t |
2.2 - 4.90 |
Cut off for fresh ore |
g/t |
0.58 - 4.90 |
Cut off for oxide ore |
g/t |
0.41 - 0.54 |
Stripping ratio |
waste:ore |
3.6 |
Dulution (open pits) |
% |
1 -13 |
Mining recovery (open pits) |
% |
95 - 99 |
Mine Call Factor |
% |
100 |
Plant recovery factor fresh ore |
% |
85 - 95 |
Plant recovery factor oxide ore |
% |
94 - 95 |
Heap Leach Recovery |
% |
57 - 75 |
Processing capacity |
Mtpa |
4.8 |
Heap Leach capacity |
Mtpa |
2.5 |
Pit wall angles |
degrees |
25 - 45 |
Grade tonnage curves
Open pits
Mineral Reserves
The Mineral Reserve statement for St Ives is summarised in the tables below and these following points apply:
- Estimates for St Ives include allowances for all relevant modifying factors;
- Gold price sensitivities have been derived by assessment of the impact of price changes on individual projects;
- Attributable to St Ives;
- Mineral Reserves are reported in terms of tonnages, grades and contained gold delivered for processing; and
- All references to “tons” should be taken as being in metric units.
Surface sources are comprised of stockpiles. St Ives assumes that stockpiles are managed and monitored when mining occurs and are supported
by adequate sampling, and are thus classified as Proved Mineral Reserves.
June 2009 |
June 2009 |
June 2009 |
Open pit and underground |
Proved |
1.9 |
0.8 |
1.0 |
4.3 |
6.7 |
4.2 |
260 |
170 |
129 |
Probable |
24.1 |
20.8 |
26.2 |
2.5 |
2.3 |
2.6 |
1,922 |
1,547 |
2,188 |
Total open pit and underground |
26.0 |
21.6 |
27.2 |
2.6 |
2.5 |
2.7 |
2,182 |
1,716 |
2,317 |
Surface stockpiles |
Probable |
4.1 |
4.3 |
5.8 |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
139 |
163 |
235 |
Total surface stockpiles |
4.1 |
4.3 |
5.8 |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
139 |
163 |
235 |
Grand Total |
30.1 |
25.9 |
33.0 |
2.4 |
2.3 |
2.4 |
2,322 |
1,879 |
2,553 |
Mineral Reserve split by source between CIP Plant and Heap Leach facility
June 2009 |
June 2009 |
June 2009 |
Open pit |
CIP plant |
15.8 |
11.0 |
11.1 |
1.9 |
2.2 |
2.6 |
956 |
774 |
918 |
Heap Leach |
2.5 |
6.7 |
9.3 |
0.7 |
0.9 |
0.9 |
54 |
191 |
273 |
Total open pit |
18.3 |
17.7 |
20.4 |
1.7 |
1.7 |
1.8 |
1,010 |
965 |
1,191 |
Underground |
CIP plant |
7.7 |
3.9 |
6.7 |
4.7 |
5.9 |
5.2 |
1,173 |
751 |
1,127 |
Heap Leach |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Total underground |
7.7 |
3.9 |
6.7 |
4.7 |
5.9 |
5.2 |
1,173 |
751 |
1,127 |
Stockpiles |
CIP plant |
0.7 |
0.6 |
1.7 |
1.6 |
2.2 |
1.8 |
37 |
45 |
100 |
Heap Leach |
3.3 |
3.7 |
4.1 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
1.0 |
103 |
118 |
135 |
Total stockpiles |
4.1 |
4.3 |
5.8 |
1.1 |
1.2 |
1.3 |
139 |
163 |
235 |
Grand Total |
30.1 |
25.9 |
33.0 |
2.4 |
2.3 |
2.4 |
2,322 |
1,879 |
2,553 |
Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Reconciliation year-on-year
Mineral Resource
Factors that affected Mineral Resource reconciliation:
- Mined depletion for the period was measured by processing
feed (tonnes crushed);
- Discovery is dominated by additions from Athena and Hamlet; and
- Paylimit changes are dominated by Bellerophon and Sirius.
Change in Mineral Resource F2009 to F2010
Mineral Reserve
Factors that affected Mineral Reserve reconciliation:
- Mined depletion for the period was measured by processing feed;
- Discovery was dominated by Athena, Argo, Hamlet, Cave Rocks
and Belleisle;
- Resource modelling reductions at Belleisle were partly offset by
gains at Formidable; and
- Paylimit impacted on Mineral Reserves at Sirius, Bellerophon,
Agamannon, Swiftsure and Revenge.
Change in Mineral Reserve F2009 to F2010
Mineral Reserve sensitivity
Mineral Reserves are presented on a RoM basis delivered to
the metallurgical processing facilities. To illustrate the impact
of fluctuations in gold price and exchange rates on the current
declaration, St Ives has generated sensitivities with respect to
Mineral Reserves. These sensitivities (other than for the base case)
are not supported by detailed plans and should only be considered
on an indicative basis, specifically as such sensitivities assume 100%
selectivity, without any operating cost increases.
Managed Mineral Reserve Sensitivity
Regulatory Codes
This Technical Statement has been prepared in Compliance with the South Africa Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and
Mineral Reserves (2007 SAMREC Code).
This Technical Statement has been prepared in compliance with the listing requirements of the JSE Securities Exchange, South Africa (JSE), specifically
Section 12 – Issue 11.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act
The Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve is underpinned by an adequate Mineral Resource Management process and protocol to ensure adequate
corporate governance in respect of the intent of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
St Ives has an environmental management team who are supported by specialist assistance from the Corporate office in Johannesburg.
The systems, procedures, training etc. are at international best practice levels. Gold Fields has produced a Sustainability Report in 2009 and intends
reporting annually in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative.
Competent Persons
M Jolly: Manager: Mineral Resources
MSc (Geology), EDP Wits Business School, Pr. Sci. Nat. (Reg. No. 400006/02). Mr Jolly has 28 years experience in the mining industry (6 months at
St Ives) and is responsible for the overall correctness, standard and compliance of this declaration.
M Briggs: Exploration Manager
BSc (Hons) in Geology, MAusIMM. Mr Briggs has 11 years experience in the mining industry (7 years at St Ives) and is responsible for surface
exploration and resource development drilling and the oversight of resource development geology models.
J. Donaldson, Principal Resource Geologist
BSc. (Hons), MAusIMM, Mr Donaldson has 15 years mining industry experience (12 years at St. Ives), and is responsible for the gold resource
estimation processes and models.
C Ferguson: Mine Geology Manager
BSc (Hons) Geology, Mr Ferguson has 12 years experience in the mining industry (5 years at St Ives) and is responsible for the mine geology functions
at St Ives.
S Ellery: Resource Evaluation Supt
BSc (Hons), MSc Geology, Grad Dip Applied Finance and Investment (SIA), MAusIMM. Mr Ellery has 19 years experience in the mining industry
(16 years at St Ives) and is responsible for some aspects of economic evaluation at St Ives.
Key Technical Staff
Post |
Incumbent |
Qualifications |
Years |
Key Responsibilities |
General Manager |
Louw Smith |
BSc (Hons) Geology; BComm; MSc Mining
(Business Economics); The Executive
(Darden Business School) |
18 |
Overall strategic direction, leadership
and management |
Mining Manager
Mining Open Pit |
Johan Labuschagne |
MSc Mining (Wits); B-Eng Mining (UP)
MDP (Unisa) |
22 |
Full operational management |
Mining Manager
Mining Underground |
Simon Fitzgerald |
BE (Mining Engineering)
BA (Economics) |
11 |
Full operational management |
Mineral Resources
Manager: Mineral esources |
Malcolm Jolly |
MSc (Geology), EDP (Wits)
COM Cert. Rock Engineering |
28 |
Exploration and Mine Geology.
compilation of CPR |
Commercial Manager |
Sam Vogel |
BComm |
22 |
Financial management, reporting and
compliance |
Human Resources
Manager Employee Relations |
Helen Anderson |
BSc (OHS), Postgraduate Applied
Science |
18 |
Human Resources, Safety and Health,
Emergency Services |
Manager Metallurgy |
Arno Dippenaar |
NHD (Extractive metallurgy) |
18 |
Mineral Processing, Metallurgy and
Tailings management. |
Manager Engineering |
Ted Lambourne |
Associate Diploma |
13 |
Engineering, logistics and
infrastructure management |
Mine Planning
Planning Superintendent |
Max Sheppard |
BEng (Mining) |
20 |
Mineral Reserves, Planning Open Pits
and Underground LoM |
Manager |
Peter Bayliss |
BSc Hons. (Applied Biology)
MPhil (Environmental Sciences) |
20 |
Environmental management |
St Ives History
at a Glance