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Arrow South Africa Region
Arrow West Africa Region
Arrow Australasia Region
Arrow South America Region
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  Arrow West Wits Tailings Processing Project
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Strategic intent

The key focus for each mining operation going forward is to have a robust 5 year safe production profile at acceptable profit margins, with a strong pipeline of replacement projects optimising infrastructure and orebody potential. In addition, the overall strategy is for the South Africa Region to deliver 2.2 – 2.5 million ounces per annum on a sustainable basis, while the three International Regions (West Africa, Australasia and South America) are expected to build-up to ~1 million ounces per annum within a 4 to 5 year period.

All Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve figures reported are managed by Gold Fields unless otherwise stated and Mineral Resources are inclusive of Mineral Reserves and both geotechnical support and stability pillars.