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Arrow Group Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Overview
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Arrow Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve statement
Arrow Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve per operation
Arrow Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve depletion and growth
Arrow South Africa Region
Arrow West Africa Region
Arrow Australasia Region
Arrow South America Region
  Growth Projects
  Arrow Arctic Platinum Project
  Arrow West Wits Tailings Processing Project
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Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve per operation

The charts below depict the Group’s managed equivalent ounces split by operation. The South Africa Region accounts for 82% (including TSF gold) of the Mineral Resource base, with the West Africa Region 7%, the Australasia Region 3%, the South America Region 3% and Growth Projects (APP) 5%. The South Africa Region accounts for 75% of the Mineral Reserve, with the West Africa Region 15%, South America Region 6% and the Australasia Region 4%.

Mineral Resources

Mineral Resources

Mineral Reserves

Mineral Reserves

* Excludes Uncle Harry’s ground