This technical statement outlines the
declared Gold Fields Mineral Resource
and Mineral Reserve at each of its
Business Regions per operating mine,
as well as Arctic Platinum and West Wits
Tailings Processing Growth Projects, as at
30 June 2009. Guided by the commitment
to Corporate Governance, this statement has been independently audited and is
compliant with the South African Code
for the Reporting of Exploration Results,
Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves
(2007 SAMREC Code) and also Industry
Guide 7 for reporting on the United States
Securities Exchange Commission (SEC).
The process followed in producing this
declaration is also in alignment with the
guiding principles of the Sarbanes-Oxley
![1 Processing Plant, Beatrix Gold Mine, South Africa](images/overview_pg5_graphic.jpg) |
1 Processing Plant, Beatrix Gold Mine, South Africa |
This statement further compares to the
last full public declaration made, as at
30 June 2008 and therefore encompasses
a 12 month production depletion period.
The F2010 declaration aims to report on
Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve
information that is rated as important for
disclosure and it reflects a level of detail
required for completeness, transparency
and materiality in reporting. The Group’s
Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve
figures are estimates and may be
affected by fluctuations in the US dollar
currency exchange rates, costs and
operating parameters.