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Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve depletion and growth

The year-on-year change in the managed Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve statement is summarised below.

The increase in Mineral Resource ounces is primarily due to the rising gold price and discovery at St Ives, Agnew and Damang. The reduction at South Deep is due to modelling enhancements, while the adjustment at Cerro Corona is mainly due to changes in the geotechnical parameters and costs.

The growth in Mineral Reserves at Damang, Agnew, St Ives and South Deep is as a result of discovery, gold price and model enhancements. The reduction at Driefontein and Kloof is due to depletion and the removal of high risk pillars and remnants, while the reduction at Tarkwa, Cerro Corona and Beatrix is primarily due to depletion.

Mineral Resource Ounces
F2009 versus F2010 – Changes per Property

Mineral Resource Ounces

Mineral Reserve Ounces
F2009 versus F2010 – Changes per Property

Mineral Reserve Ounces