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Reviewed Results | Six months ended 30 June 2022

Key statistics

  United States Dollars
    Quarter   Six months ended
Figures in millions unless otherwise stated
June 2022 March 2022 June 2021 June 2022 June 2021
Gold produced* oz (000) 621 580 563 1,201 1,104
Tonnes milled/treated 000 10,689 10,520 10,627 21,209 21,005
Revenue (excluding Asanko) US$/oz 1,820 1,884 1,820 1,851 1,799
Cost of sales before gold inventory change and amortisation and depreciation (excluding Asanko) US$/tonne 48 47 44 47 44
All-in sustaining costs# US$/oz 1,146 1,150 1,107 1,148 1,093
Total all-in cost# US$/oz 1,382 1,320 1,297 1,352 1,274
Net debt US$m 851 984 1,097 851 1,097
Net debt (excluding lease liabilities) US$m 451 559 663 451 663
Net debt to EBITDA ratio   0.33 0.39 0.49 0.33 0.49
Cash flow from operating activities less net capital expenditure, environmental payments, lease payments and redemption of Asanko preference shares US$m       292.7 180.4
Profit attributable to owners of the parent US$m       509.7 387.4
Profit per share attributable to owners of the parent US c.p.s.       57 44
Headline earnings attributable to owners of the parent US$m       518.0 395.5
Headline earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent US c.p.s.       58 45
Normalised profit attributable to owners of the parent US$m       498.4 430.5
Normalised profit per share attributable to owners of the parent US c.p.s.       56 49
* Gold produced in this table is attributable and includes Gold Fields share of 45% in Asanko.
# Refer to All-in cost (unreviewed).
At 30 June 2022, all operations are wholly owned except for Tarkwa and Damang in Ghana (90.0%), South Deep in South Africa (96.43%), Cerro Corona in Peru (99.5%), Gruyere JV (50%) and Asanko JV (45% equity share).
Gold produced and sold throughout this report includes copper gold equivalents of approximately 6% of Group production. Figures may not add as they are rounded independently.