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Reviewed Results | Six months ended 30 June 2022

Financials / The financial statements are presented on a condensed consolidated basis.Statement of cash flows


   United States Dollars 
   Six months ended 
Figures in millions unless otherwise stated  June 2022 
June 2021  
Cash flows from operating activities  871.0  688.6 
Profit before royalties and taxation  865.7  680.3 
Amortisation and depreciation  377.8  314.9 
Silicosis payment  (0.4) (2.1)
Payment of long-term employee benefits  (32.4) (37.3)
Other non-cash items  12.5  21.4 
South Deep BEE dividend  (0.9) (0.9)
Change in working capital  9.1  (0.9)
Royalties and taxation paid  (360.4) (286.8)
Dividends paid  (167.8) (212.1)
Owners of the parent  (153.2) (190.4)
Non-controlling interest holders  (14.6) (21.7)
Cash flows from investing activities  (551.6) (469.3)
Capital expenditure – additions  (545.0) (455.7)
Capital expenditure – working capital  25.2  (13.6)
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment  0.2  2.3 
Purchase of investments  (6.4) (2.6)
Redemption of Asanko Preference shares    5.0 
Proceeds on disposal of investments    0.1 
Contributions to environmental trust funds  (25.6) (4.8)
Cash flows from financing activities  68.6   (197.4)
Loans received  206.5  204.5 
Loans repaid  (104.8) (360.5)
Payment of lease liabilities  (33.1) (41.4)
Net cash generated/(utilised) 220.2  (190.2)
Translation adjustment  (20.8) 6.9 
Cash and cash equivalent at beginning of the period  524.7  886.8 
Cash and cash equivalent at end of the period  724.1  703.5 
Non-IFRS measures and other disclosures       
Adjusted free cash flow  292.7  180.4