Gold Fields


Figures in millions unless otherwise stated 31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
31 Dec
Uncommitted loan facilities
Rand million 1,635.0 1,635.0
US Dollar million
Rand debt translated to Dollar 94.2 94.2
Total (US$m) 94.2 94.2
Committed loan facilities
US Dollar million 899.7 100.0 600.0 1 1,096.6 2 496.1 3,192.4
Rand million 2,500.0 2,500.0
A$ Dollar million 500.0 500.0
Rand debt translated to Dollar 144.1 144.1
A$ Dollar debt translated to Dollar 345.3 345.3
Total (US$m) 899.7 445.3 600.0 144.1 1,096.6 496.1 3,681.8
Total (US$m) Uncommitted and committed loan facilities 993.9 445.3 600.0 144.1 1,096.6 496.1 3,776.0
Utilisation – Uncommitted loan facilities
Rand million
US Dollar million
Rand debt translated to Dollar
Total (US$m)
Utilisation – Committed loan facilities (including US Dollar bond)
US Dollar million 685.6 496.6 496.1 1,678.3
Rand million  
A$ Dollar million 200.0 200.0  
Rand debt translated to Dollar
A$ Dollar debt translated to Dollar 138.1 138.1
Total (US$m) 685.6 138.1 496.6 496.1 1,816.4
Total (US$m) – Utilisation – Uncommitted and committed loan facilities 685.6 138.1 496.6 496.1 1,816.4

Exchange rate : US$1.00 = R17.35 and US$1.00 = A$0.69 being the closing rate at 30 June 2020

1 Subsequent to 30 June 2020, the term of US$435.0m of this facility was extended by 12 months to 25 July 2023.
2 Subsequent to 30 June 2020, the term of US$435.0m of these facilities was extended by 12 months to 25 July 2025.