
The Group’s fatal injury frequency rate improved from 0.15 in the June quarter to 0.08 in the September quarter. KDC East and South Deep both achieved three million fatality free shifts in August and September respectively. This is the first time this has been achieved in KDC East’s history. Subsequently, KDC East has surpassed one year without any fatal accidents being recorded. South Deep has extended its fatality free period to nineteen months at the time of writing. Despite these encouraging results, three fatalities occurred during the quarter at Beatrix. Two fatalities were tramming related and one was due to a gravity related fall of ground. Management extend their sympathies to the families concerned.

Tarkwa and Cerro Corona continued to report zero lost time injuries (LTI’s), with both mines having achieved zero LTI’s since September 2011. The Group’s lost day injury frequency rate for the quarter regressed from 4.51 to 4.71 and the days lost frequency rate regressed from 234 to 260.


Lost Day Injury (LDI) takes into account any injury occurring in the workplace where a person is unable to attend a full shift due to his or her injury at any time following the injury.

Days Lost takes into account the number of days lost due to injuries recorded.