6.2.3 People management

Closely linked to performance management is our emphasis on building strong people management skills in line management. We have a contingent of technically skilled individuals, but these competencies are not necessarily matched by strong people management skills. Line managers are the link between the organisation and its people, and it is imperative that line managers are empowered with the skills and tools to engage, motivate and drive performance in their teams. As such a people pillar was included in the BSC as a first step in measuring and incentivising the people management capability of line managers.

The majority of our management team participates in the Group’s Management Development Programme. We also finalised an expanded suite of leadership training programmes to equip managers with the tools to have meaningful, targeted performance conversations with team members.

Refined leadership competencies expected of Gold Fields managers and leaders together with the introduction of more robust psychometric assessments, will ensure that our recruitment practices support the selection of the right kinds of people managers.