7.3 Key sustainability performance data

The following key sustainability performance information was selected by Gold Fields, for assurance by KPMG in 2015 which have been reported in accordance with the criteria listed in the table below.

Parameter Level of assurance Management figure
Selected sustainability performance information presented in accordance with Subject Matter 4 of the International Council of Mining and Metals’ (ICMM) Sustainable Development Framework: Assurance Procedure (ICMM Assurance Procedure), and prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines as well as Gold fields own internal Guidelines:
Total CO2 equivalent emissions, scope 1– 3 (in tonnes) Reasonable 1 753 163 tonnes
Electricity (MWh) Reasonable 1 322 353 MWh
Number of environmental incidents – Level 3 and above Reasonable 5 incidents
Total water withdrawal (mℓ) Reasonable 35 247 mℓ
Diesel (kℓ) Reasonable 192 517 kℓ
Total water recycled/re-used per annum (mℓ) Reasonable 43 120 mℓ
Water intensity (kℓ withdrawn per ounce of gold produced) Reasonable 35 247 100 kl/2 235 560 = 15.77
Total energy consumed (GJ)/total tonnes mined Reasonable 11 240 369/165 787 013 = 0.07
Total energy consumed (GJ)/ounce of gold produced Reasonable 11 240 369/2 235 560 = 5.02
Number of cases of silicosis reported Reasonable 9 cases
Number of cases of noise induced hearing loss reported Reasonable 6 cases
Cardio respiratory tuberculosis (number of new cases reported) Reasonable 36 cases
Number of cases of malaria tested positive per annum Reasonable 532 positive cases
Number of South African and West African employees in the HAART programme (cumulative) Reasonable 315
Percentage of South African and West African workforce on the voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) programme Reasonable 4 675 people on VCT/12 600 people = 37%

Parameter Level of assurance Management figure
TRIFR1 Reasonable 174 TRIs/51 198 901 man hours = 3.40
Number of fatalities Reasonable 32
Total socio-economic development (SED) spend in US Dollars3 Reasonable US$13 655 549

1 Per million hours worked, including employees and contractors
2 In addition to the three mining related fatalities, on 7 August 2015 a G4S Security Services Contractor, Sbongiseni Cornwell Ngqoleka, was tragically killed during what appears to have been an armed robbery targeting copper cable at South Deep Mine.
3 Our SED definition has been aligned to the World Gold Council definition, which excludes employee-related SED spend, and includes the SED spend from the South Deep Education and Community Trusts as well as the Community Westonaria Trust.

Parameter Level of assurance Management figure
The following key sustainability performance information was selected by Gold Fields, for assurance by KPMG in 2015, which have been reported in accordance with the following criteria: 1) Selected Mining Charter elements prepared in compliance with the Broad-Based Socio-Economic Empowerment Charter for the South African Mining and Minerals Industry (BBSEEC) (2002) and related Scorecard (2004); and 2) Selected Mining Charter elements prepared in compliance with the Amendment to the BBSEEC (2010) and related scorecard (2010) for the South African Mining and Minerals Industry.
Mining Charter        
Employment Equity        
Percentage HDSA in management4 who are classified as designated groups and who are employed at management levels: top management (Board), senior, middle, junior, core skills and total. Core skills include A, B and C graded employees in the miner and artisan categories as well as officials that are deemed to have core skills in mining   Reasonable Including corporate and
including white females
Excluding corporate and
including white females7
    Top: 42%5 Top: 50%
    Senior: 47% Senior: 50%6
    Middle: 60% Middle: 57%
    Junior: 56% Junior: 54%
    Core: 69% Core: 70%
    Total: 67% Total: 69%
    Excluding corporate and
excluding white females
Including corporate and
excluding white females
    Top: 50% Top: 33%8
    Senior: 40%6 Senior: 35%
    Middle: 51% Middle: 45%
    Junior: 51% Junior: 50%
    Core: 67% Core: 66%
    Total: 66% Total: 64%

4 Excludes contractors.
5 Includes the Gold Fields Ltd and South Deep Joint Venture Board members.
6 Includes both SA Regional ExCo (RexCo) members and the South Deep mine executive members (ExCo).
7 Reportable in terms of the BBSEEC (2010).
8 Includes the Gold Fields Ltd and South Deep Joint Venture Board members.

Parameter Level of assurance Management figure
Housing and Living Conditions    
Maintenance of the conversion rate of hostels to ensure an occupancy rate of 1 person per room Reasonable 1 person per room
Number of houses built as part of home ownership scheme Reasonable 09
% conversion of hostels into family units Reasonable 100%

9 The Home Ownership Scheme embraces facilitating access to accommodation for our employees. Construction of 150 houses is progressing well and will be completed by end Q2 2016. South Deep owns 258 houses and purchased 198 from Sibanye in 2014 (transfer still in progress) and 489 have been rented from third parties by Gold Fields for our employees. The mine will make available 102 of the South Deep owned houses during Q2 2016, to be sold to employees. Furthermore, South Deep’s compliance with the Mining Charter Scorecard element for ‘Housing and Living Conditions’, ensured the conversion of hostels to one occupant per room and created availability of 203 family units in 2014.

Skills and Development    
HRD expenditure as a percentage of total annual payroll (excluding mandatory skills development levy) Reasonable 10.50%
Number of bursaries/scholarships provided Reasonable 21
Research and development initiatives supported (total number, percentage of South Africa institutions in the total and expenditure)   010
Local Economic Development    
Rand value spent on LED projects in the SLP in the current reporting year Reasonable R3 160 657
Procurement and Enterprise Development    
Procurement spend from BEE entities (in line with the mining charter categories of capital goods, services & consumable goods) Reasonable Capital goods: 87.7%
Services: 78.6%
Consumable goods: 84.0%
Total procurement spend from BEE entities (BBSEEC, 2010) Reasonable Total procurement spend:
R1 993 284 157
BEE procurement spend:
R1 667 868 613
Annual spend on procurement from multi-national suppliers: Contribution to the social fund Reasonable 011

10 There were no reportable Research and Development Initiatives supported during 2015.
11 There remains an industry-wide lack of clarity on this requirement in the absence of guidance from the DMR. Although no annual spend, in terms of multi-national’s contributions to a social fund is reportable, South Deep has commenced and implemented several projects in 2015 focused on enhancing host community procurement, employment and skills development.

Parameter Level of assurance Management figure
Sustainable Development and Growth    
Percentage % of samples in South African facilities Reasonable 100%
Implementation of approved EMP’s (defined as per the categories contained in the on-line Mining Charter submission template to the DMR) Reasonable 100%
Implementation of the tripartite action plan (TAP) on health and safety (defined as per the categories contained in the on-line Mining Charter submission template to the DMR) Reasonable 69%12

12 100% implementation was achieved on three of the five pillars of the TAP. Further work is being undertaken on the remaining two pillars: training of occupational health and safety representatives as well as implementing the cultural transformation framework standards in 2016.