Arrow Statement of Responsibility
Arrow Report of the Independent Auditors
Arrow Corporate Secretary’s Confirmation
Arrow Management’s Discussion and Analysis of the Financial Statements
Arrow Directors’ Report
Arrow Accounting Policies
Arrow Consolidated Income Statement
Arrow Consolidated Balance Sheet
Arrow Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity
Arrow Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Arrow Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
Arrow Company Income Statement
Arrow Company Balance Sheet
Arrow Company Statement of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity
Arrow Company Cash Flow Statement
Arrow Notes to the Company Annual Financial Statements
Arrow Major Group Investments – Direct and Indirect
Arrow Segment Report
Arrow Shareholders’ Information
Arrow Operating and Financial Information by Mine
Arrow Global Reporting Initiative
Arrow Notice of Annual General Meeting
Arrow Administration and Corporate Information
Arrow Glossary of Terms
Arrow Proxy Form
Arrow Notes to Form of Proxy
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Statement of responsibility


The directors are responsible for the preparation, integrity and fair presentation of the financial statements of the company and of the Group. The financial statements presented have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and in a manner required by the Companies Act in South Africa, and include amounts based on judgements and estimates made by management.

The directors consider that, in preparing the financial statements, they have used the most appropriate accounting policies, consistently applied and supported by reasonable and prudent judgements and estimates, and that all IFRS Standards that they consider to be applicable have been followed. The directors are satisfied that the information contained in the financial statements fairly presents the results of operations for the year and the financial position of the Group at year-end. The directors also prepared the other information included in the annual report and are responsible for both its accuracy and its consistency with the financial statements.

The directors have responsibility for ensuring that accounting records are kept. The accounting records should disclose with reasonable accuracy the financial position of the companies to enable the directors to ensure that the financial statements comply with the relevant legislation.

The company and the Group operated in a well-established controlled environment, which is well documented and regularly reviewed. This incorporates risk management and internal control procedures, which are designed to provide reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded and the risks facing the business are being controlled.

The going-concern basis has been adopted in preparing the financial statements. The directors have no reason to believe that the Group or any company within the Group will not be going concerns in the foreseeable future, based on forecasts and available cash resources. These financial statements support the viability of the company and the Group.

Gold Fields has adopted a Code of Ethics which code is available on the Gold Fields website and which is adhered to by the Group.

The Group’s external auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated, audited the financial statements.

The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 8 September 2008 and are signed on its behalf by:

NJ Holland TP Goodlace
NJ Holland
Chief Executive Officer
TP Goodlace
Chief Operating Officer