Material matters

Our materiality analysis identifies the significant economic and ESG factors that could substantively influence our capital providers‚ and other stakeholders‚ decisions about Gold Fields‚ ability to deliver on its strategic objectives and create value over the short, medium and long term. This informs the Group‚s business plans and strategies, as well as our sustainability reporting approach.

We review and update our GRI-aligned materiality analysis annually, which informs and is informed by:

  • Our purpose to create enduring value beyond mining
  • Our strategy and leading commitment to ESG practices
  • Our ESG risk assessment which forms part of our enterprise-wide risk management processes

We concluded a three-year materiality analysis cycle in 2021 and planned to initiate a new 2022-and-beyond cycle this year. This was suspended when we announced our intention to acquire Yamana Gold, a transaction we ultimately terminated. Instead, we extended our existing cycle by a year and reviewed and updated our materiality analysis and related material topics for 2022. We, therefore, did not undertake a materialityrelated stakeholder engagement process in 2022.

Our 2022 materiality analysis involved:
  • Reviewing the organisational context, activities and key stakeholders for 2022
  • Reviewing Gold Fields‚ risks and impacts on people and the environment, their significance and our response through our established enterprise-wide risk management, business management and sustainability management processes
  • Considering the 2022 priority initiatives to deliver our vision, purpose and strategy, particularly the development of the Gold Fields culture, leadership and talent development and our decarbonisation work
  • Considering outcomes from our stakeholder reputation baseline survey and related stakeholder engagement plans

To support our revised materiality analysis and disclosure, we started revising our public disclosures on the management of material issues, supported by our suite of sustainability reporting. Given the changes to the sustainability reporting landscape – as well as emerging or proposed ESG-related reporting standards, guidelines and frameworks – we will include an inclusive, double-materiality analysis in our next assessment cycle. This means we will not only report the impact our

operations have on stakeholders, but also their impact on Gold Fields and its operations.

We categorise our material matters as environmental, social or economic and governance matters for this materiality analysis cycle. While our 2022 material matters have not changed significantly, some have become increasingly important or been updated to reflect our evolving management approach:

  • Covid 19-is no longer the most material matter to our business
  • Social and stakeholder matters are becoming more important
  • Safety, health and wellbeing now includes psychological safety
  • Our diversity, equity and inclusion focus includes elements of human capital, labour practices and respectful workplace initiatives as part of our culture development
  • Decarbonisation (previously carbon management) is now a standalone material topic
  • Social and geopolitical risks became more important
  • Human rights remains material and is represented as cross-cutting in ESG-related material matters
  • Biodiversity is expanded to include nature

The graphic below outlines our materiality analysis as at end-2022.