How we create enduring value for our stakeholders

Our strong stakeholder relationships and the value we distribute to our stakeholders support more than just our social licence to operate – they are at the core of our purpose of creating enduring value beyond mining. Recognising the crucial role of stakeholders to our business, in 2022, we established a Group-wide stakeholder engagement forum to oversee the implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. Our disclosure of national economic contributions is in accordance with World Gold Council guidelines.

Total and national value distribution by region and type 2022 (US$m)

Employees SED spend1 Capital providers Business partners Governments National value distribution
Australia 157 1 5 937 288 1,387
South Africa 110 62 2 333 33 454
Ghana 88 8 31 801 2144 1,142
Peru 42 6 4 229 57 337
Corporate 71 0 368 2 163 605
Total Gold Fields 4685 21 411 2,302 724 3,926
1 Socio-economic development spend in host communities, excluding spend by Salares Norte
2 Includes US$468k from the South Deep trusts
3 South Deep has carry-forward losses and allowances for offset against taxable income
4 This amount includes US$29m in dividends paid or declared to the Ghana government in lieu of their 10% shareholding in the Tarkwa and Damang mines
5 Excludes benefits paid to employees working on capital projects
For more information refer to our 2022 Report to Stakeholders at

Host communities

Number of engagements in 2022: 919 (2021: 817)

Value distribution per region

Payments include

procurement, employee wages and investment in SED


invested in SED


spent on host community procurement


spent on host community employee wages

Total: US$913m

host community employment

Key concerns and expectations
  • Employment and procurement opportunities
  • Skills and enterprise development
  • Mitigation of adverse environmental impacts
  • Environmental resilience
  • Social investments
  • Assisting with social and economic hardship
  • Benefit-sharing agreements
  • Protection of culture and heritage
Value created for host communities in response to their key concerns and expectations
  • Rolled out host community value creation initiatives, delivering 27% of total value created by Gold Fields to host communities
  • Created jobs and business opportunities through host community procurement
  • Unlocked opportunities for host community employment at our mines and through their contractors and suppliers, as well as in non-mining sectors
  • Invested in integrated community development, including health and wellbeing, environment and infrastructure
  • Expanded the skills base of our host communities through education and training opportunities
  • Provided support to enhance capacity in host community organisations
  • Negotiated agreements with host communities and Indigenous Peoples
  • Approved a pipeline of legacy programmes to positively impact host community and environmental resilience for roll-out from 2023
  • Implemented stakeholder engagement plans
For more information refer to Stakeholder overviews.


Value distribution per region

Payments include

salaries and wages, benefits and bonuses


paid in salaries and benefits


host community workforce

Key concerns and expectations
  • A workplace culture that is physically and psychologically safe
  • A diverse, inclusive and enabling culture with opportunities for innovation
  • Learning and development opportunities
  • A refined operating model
  • A revised employee value proposition
  • A company that is ethical and sustainable
Value created for employees in response to their key concerns and expectations
  • Cultivated a stringent safety and health culture, with a stronger focus on showing care
  • Optimised business processes and operational efficiencies
  • Continued to implement working practices to facilitate greater work-life balance and promote diversity and inclusion
  • Increased employee diversity
  • Surveyed employees to establish a clear profile of the status of harassment, discrimination and bullying, and committed to act on these findings
  • Provided clarity on the relative roles of our Corporate Office employees and those in the regions
  • Defined and communicated the desired company cultural attributes and leadership behaviours
  • Developed a career pathways framework to provide greater clarity on job requirements and career growth
For more information refer to Building a safe and respectful workplace

Business partners (contractors and suppliers)

Value distribution per region

Payments include

operations and capital procurement


paid to suppliers and contractors


of mine operational and capital spend (excluding utilities) is with host community firms

Key concerns and expectations
  • In-country and host community procurement of goods and services
  • Investment in enterprise and supplier development
  • Sustainable materials and supply chain stewardship
  • Payment times for host community small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) suppliers
  • Communication and engagement on issues relating to respectful workplaces and gender safety
  • Opportunities for businesses owned by women, Aboriginal people and Historically Disadvantaged People
Value created for business partners in response to their key concerns and expectations
  • 97% of total procurement spend is from in-country businesses
  • Included all business partners in our health and safety management systems
  • Continued to improve payment times for SME host community suppliers – most of these businesses are now on 14-day payment terms
  • Launched an enterprise and supplier development (ESD) and procurement support programme at our South Deep mine, and established and capitalised two ESD funds
  • Worked with suppliers and contractors at our Australian mines on several initiatives to:
    • Enhance communication and engagement on issues relating to gender safety
    • Ensure comprehensive investigations are conducted into all complaints of sexual harassment, assault or bullying, with a strong focus on procedural fairness to all parties involved
    • Ensure our work environments and camp facilities provide and support physical and psychological safety
    • Review all ablution facilities across our sites and offices to ensure these meet an acceptable and consistent standard
    • Promote host community and Aboriginal business participation in the value chain

Capital providers

Number of engagements in 2022: 521 (2021: 468)

Value distribution per region

Payments include

interest and dividend payments


paid to the providers of debt and equity capital

Reduced net debt by

Key concerns and expectations
  • Sustainable returns on investment
  • A strong balance sheet
  • Understanding of and demonstrated execution of Gold Fields' strategy
  • Sound and ethical leadership
  • Succession planning for executive management
  • Progress on key ESG priorities
  • Delivering growth projects on time and within budget
  • Regular engagement on key events
Value created for capital providers in response to their key concerns and expectations
  • Developed and maintained a strong portfolio of mines
  • Ensured continued improvement at South Deep
  • Remained committed to completing the Salares Norte project and delivering first gold in Q4 2023
  • Continued life extension of our Australian operations
  • Continued funding development, maintenance and growth at our operations
  • Improved our share price and increased dividends with final dividend payout exceeding the upper end of range
  • Reduced net debt and maintained a strong balance sheet
  • Remained rooted in our strategy, despite the termination of the Yamana Gold transaction
  • Engaged extensively with shareholders and analysts


Number of engagements in 2022: 1,286 (2021: 1,065)

Value distribution per region

Payments include

mining royalties and land-use payments, taxes, duties and levies


paid in taxes and royalties


paid to the Ghana government in dividends, relating to its 10% stake in each of Damang and Tarkwa

Value created for governments in response to their key concerns and expectations
  • Sourced over 96% of procurement from companies within the countries of operation
  • Over 87% of employees are nationals of the countries of operation
  • Paid royalties and taxes to host governments that, if utilised appropriately, can enable them to develop critical infrastructure
  • Invested in SED projects that contribute to the UN SDGs and also grow and sustain non-mining jobs
For more information refer toStakeholder overview under goverments section.