Consolidated statement of cash-flows

for the year ended 31 December 2022

   United States Dollar
Figures in millions unless otherwise stated  2022  2021  2020 
Cash-flows from operating activities  1,379.2  1,230.2  1,111.4 
Cash generated by operations  2,658.8  2,347.3  1,933.9 
Interest received  12.1  7.4  7.6 
Change in working capital  (134.2) (89.4) (171.8)
Cash generated by operating activities  2,536.7  2,265.3  1,769.7 
Silicosis payment  (0.7) (4.4) (3.5)
Interest paid  (97.2) (103.2) (127.2)
Royalties paid  (112.3) (108.8) (102.5)
Taxation paid  (611.7) (448.8) (278.7)
Net cash from operations  1,714.8  1,600.1  1,257.8 
Dividends paid  (335.6) (369.9) (146.4)
– Owners of the parent  (304.4) (322.3) (137.7)
– Non-controlling interest holders  (30.3) (46.7) (7.6)
– South Deep Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) dividend  (0.9) (0.9) (1.1)
Cash-flows from investing activities  (1,072.2) (1,070.5) (607.4)
Additions to property, plant and equipment  (1,069.3) (1,088.7) (583.7)
Capital expenditure – working capital  26.3  28.7  (7.1)
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment  2.0  2.8  0.7 
Purchase of investments  (21.6) (27.4) (0.6)
Redemption of Asanko Preference Shares    5.0  37.5 
Proceeds on disposal of investments  1.5  19.2  22.9 
Loan advanced – contractors    –  (68.4)
Contributions to environmental trust funds  (11.1) (10.1) (8.7)
Cash-flows from financing activities  (56.9) (510.5) (139.8)
Loans raised  206.5  207.5  689.8 
Loans repaid  (197.9) (644.2) (1,014.2)
Payment of principal lease liabilities  (65.5) (73.8) (64.4)
Proceeds from the issue of shares    –  249.0 
Net cash generated/(utilised) 250.1  (350.8) 364.2 
Effect of exchange rate fluctuation on cash held  (5.4) (11.3) 7.6 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year  524.7  886.8  515.0 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year  769.4  524.7  886.8