Consolidated income statement

for the year ended 31 December 2022

   United States Dollar 
Figures in millions unless otherwise stated  2022  2021  2020 
Revenue  4,286.7  4,195.2  3,892.1 
Cost of sales  (2,607.7) (2,374.9) (2,150.4)
Investment income  13.3  8.3  8.7 
Finance expense  (72.5) (100.9) (126.7)
Gain/(loss) on financial instruments  24.0  (100.4) (238.9)
Foreign exchange gain/(loss) 6.7  (1.9) 8.6 
Other costs, net  (15.3) (49.2) (11.5)
Share-based payments  (6.9) (12.7) (14.5)
Long-term Incentive Plan  (29.0) (28.5) (51.3)
Exploration expense  (81.0) (60.6) (49.7)
Share of results of equity-accounted investees, net of taxation  10.1  (32.0) (2.6)
Yamana break fee  300.0  –  – 
Yamana transaction costs  (33.0) –  – 
Restructuring costs  (11.3) (1.3) (2.0)
Silicosis settlement costs  2.2  0.7  (0.3)
Impairment, net of reversal of impairment of investments and assets  (505.0) (42.4) 50.6 
Ghana expected credit loss  (17.5) (41.1) (29.0)
Profit/(loss) on disposal of assets  10.4  8.5  (0.2)
Profit before royalties and taxation  1,274.2  1,366.8  1,282.9 
Royalties  (110.4) (112.4) (105.0)
Profit before taxation  1,163.8  1,254.4  1,177.9 
Mining and income taxation  (442.1) (424.9) (432.5)
Profit for the year  721.7  829.5  745.4 
Profit attributable to: 
– Owners of the parent  711.0  789.3  723.0 
– Non-controlling interests  10.7  40.2  22.4 
721.7  829.5  745.4 
Earnings per share attributable to owners of the parent: 
Basic earnings per share – cents  80  89  82 
Diluted earnings per share – cents  78  88  81 

Gold Fields Limited presents its income statement using the function method. Under the function method, investment income would have been disclosed under other income, gain/(loss) on financial instruments and foreign exchange gain/(loss) under other income/(expenses) and share-based payments and long-term incentive plan under other expenses.