Table 1. Selected indicators for the 2022 reporting period in our reasonable assurance scope and disclosed by Gold Fields in the Report.
Indicator | Unit | Page number |
Environment | ||
Number of serious environmental incidents – Level 3 and above | Number of incidents | 73 |
Total water withdrawal | GL | 74 |
Total water withdrawal per tonnes processed | L/tonne | 74 |
Freshwater withdrawal | GL | 74 |
Percentage of water recycled or reused | Percent | 74 |
Total CO2-equivalent emissions, Scope 1 – 2 | MtCO2e | 75 |
Total CO2-equivalent emissions, Scope 31 | MtCO2e | 75 |
Energy consumption | PJ | 75 |
Total CO2-equivalent emissions avoided from initiatives | ktCO2e | 75 |
Total energy saved from initiatives | PJ | 75 |
Social | ||
Total socio-economic development (SED) spend | US$ | 62 |
Percentage of host community workforce employment | Percentage | 61 |
Percentage of host community procurement spend | Percentage | 61 |
Group Host Community Value Creation | Percentage | 60 |
Total value created and distributed | US$ | 56 |
Health and safety | ||
Number of cases of Silicosis reported | Number of cases | 36 |
Number of cases of Noise Induced Hearing Loss reported (NIHL) | Number of cases | 36 |
Number of cases of Malaria tested positive per annum | Number of positive cases | 37 |
Number of South African and West African employees in the HAART programme (cumulative) | Number of employees | 37 |
Percentage of South African and West African workforce on the voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) programme | Percentage of workforce | 37 |
Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR): Employees, Contractors, Total | Rate | 34 |
Serious injuries (As per Gold Fields Group Health and Safety Reporting requirements) |
Number of serious injuries | 34 |
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR): Employees, Contractors, Total | Rate | 34 |
Near miss incidents | Number of near miss incidents | 34 |
1 | ERM's assurance coverage of Scope 3 emissions included the following categories only: Purchased Goods; Fuel & Energy Related Activities; Upstream Transportation & Distribution; and Business Travel, representing a coverage of 96% of total Scope 3 emissions. ERM also assured the overall Scope 3 emissions consolidation. |