Assured sustainability performance indicators

Table 1. Selected indicators for the 2022 reporting period in our reasonable assurance scope and disclosed by Gold Fields in the Report.

Indicator Unit Page number
Number of serious environmental incidents – Level 3 and above Number of incidents 73
Total water withdrawal GL 74
Total water withdrawal per tonnes processed L/tonne 74
Freshwater withdrawal GL 74
Percentage of water recycled or reused Percent 74
Total CO2-equivalent emissions, Scope 1 – 2 MtCO2e 75
Total CO2-equivalent emissions, Scope 31 MtCO2e 75
Energy consumption PJ 75
Total CO2-equivalent emissions avoided from initiatives ktCO2e 75
Total energy saved from initiatives PJ 75
Total socio-economic development (SED) spend US$ 62
Percentage of host community workforce employment Percentage 61
Percentage of host community procurement spend Percentage 61
Group Host Community Value Creation Percentage 60
Total value created and distributed US$ 56
Health and safety
Number of cases of Silicosis reported Number of cases 36
Number of cases of Noise Induced Hearing Loss reported (NIHL) Number of cases 36
Number of cases of Malaria tested positive per annum Number of positive cases 37
Number of South African and West African employees in the HAART programme (cumulative) Number of employees 37
Percentage of South African and West African workforce on the voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) programme Percentage of workforce 37
Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR): Employees, Contractors, Total Rate 34
Serious injuries
(As per Gold Fields Group Health and Safety Reporting requirements)
Number of serious injuries 34
Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR): Employees, Contractors, Total Rate 34
Near miss incidents Number of near miss incidents 34
1 ERM's assurance coverage of Scope 3 emissions included the following categories only: Purchased Goods; Fuel & Energy Related Activities; Upstream Transportation & Distribution; and Business Travel, representing a coverage of 96% of total Scope 3 emissions. ERM also assured the overall Scope 3 emissions consolidation.