The foundation of our business is based on strong ethics. Our Board and its committees are responsible for setting the ethical tone which, in turn, cultivates a culture of integrity and transparent reporting to our stakeholders. From this foundation, we build trust with our stakeholders, allowing us to strengthen our reputation and create sustainable value. We have numerous mechanisms in place to help to ensure we conduct our business ethically, adhere to compliance requirements and entrench good governance within the business.
We assess any legal, non-compliance and reputational risks facing the Company and mitigate these by enacting an effective governance and compliance framework, which follows a systematic and integrated approach, and pivots on robust mitigating control structures.
During 2021, we:
The Risk Committee examines the key risks and opportunities facing the business and reports these to the Board twice a year. The Board aims for effective controls and corrective measures to manage and mitigate these risks. Furthermore, the Audit Committee seeks to ensure the integrity, accuracy, and adequacy of Gold Fields' accounting records.
Internal Audit ensures that the necessary internal controls are in place to mitigate any potential risks in all regions. Our operations receive an audit ranking and, where necessary, corrective measures are put in place.
The External Audit function assures the integrity, accuracy and adequacy of accounting records and corporate reporting. PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. was appointed as our auditors from 2019.
Refer to the AFR for more information on our Risk and Audit Committees.We support the development of an ethical and responsible gold mining industry. Gold Fields is aligned to leading practices, which underpin our commitment to responsible corporate citizenship.
We are committed to and guided by:
Our Code of Conduct pivots on the Gold Fields' values, and informs the way we conduct ourselves – from our operations to our Board. It also extends to our supply chain business partners. Updated in 2017, our Code of Conduct was distributed to all existing employees, while new employees receive it during their onboarding processes. As at end-2021, 90% of our people had undergone training on the Code of Conduct. We also have an anonymous tip-offs hotline in operation, which is always available to employees and business partners in all regions. Our principle of speaking up was further enhanced with the implementation of a Whistleblower Policy during 2020.
Key principles of our Code of Conduct: