Gold Fields

Financial Report


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Annual Financial Report including Governance Report 2018

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the year ended 31 December

  United States Dollar      
Figures in millions unless otherwise stated  2018  2017  2016 
(Loss)/profit for the year  (344.8) (7.7) 169.1 
Other comprehensive income, net of tax  (330.0) 279.2  121.4 
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss  (4.2) –  – 
Equity investments at FVOCI – net change in fair value  (8.2) –  – 
Deferred taxation on above item  4.0 –  – 
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss  (325.8) 279.2  121.4 
Available-for-sale financial assets – net change in fair value  –  (0.7) (8.3)
Foreign currency translation adjustments  (325.8) 279.9  129.7 
Total comprehensive income for the year  (674.8) 271.5  290.5 
Attributable to: 
– Owners of the parent  (678.2) 260.5  279.6 
– Non-controlling interests  3.4  11.0  10.9 
(674.8) 271.5  290.5 
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.