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Gold Fields Limited is a globally diversified gold producer with eight operating mines (including our Asanko Joint Venture) and projects in Australia, Chile, Ghana, Peru and South Africa, and total attributable annual gold-equivalent production of approximately 2Moz.
It has attributable gold Mineral Reserves of around 48.1Moz and gold Mineral Resources of around 96.6Moz. Attributable copper Mineral Reserves total 691 million pounds and Mineral Resources 847 million pounds, while silver Reserves total 39.3Moz and Resources 43.7Moz.
Gold Fields has a primary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Limited, with a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
Our integrated reporting approach aims to enable our stakeholders to make a more informed assessment of the value of Gold Fields and its prospects. This Integrated Annual Report (IAR) is structured around the Gold Fields' Group balanced scorecard, which is how we measure our performance against our strategy and the matters we consider to be most material to the sustainability of our Group. Gold Fields embraces integrated thinking and takes an integrated approach to value creation, which is aligned with the International Integrated Reporting Council's (IIRC) six capitals model.
The IAR also forms part of our adherence to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and the 10 Principles of the International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM), whose mandatory requirements of its position statements are presented online. We also align with the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
This report contains forward looking statements within the meaning of section 27A of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Act, and section 21E of the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act, with respect to Gold Fields' financial position, results of operations, business strategies, operating efficiencies, competitive position, growth opportunities for existing services, plans and objectives of management, markets for stock and other matters. Refer to the full forward looking statements on www.goldfields.com.
This report covers the reporting period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018 and provides an overview of our eight operations (including our Asanko JV) in Australia, Ghana, Peru and South Africa, as well as our exploration and business development activities. Details on the exact location of each operation and project can be found on Our Global Footprint.
Non-financial data for 2018 only covers our seven operating mines and excludes exploration activities and projects. Data from Darlot, which was sold, is included for the January to October 2017 period.
This report has been compiled in accordance with the GRI Standards: core option and the International Integrated Reporting Council Framework. Gold Fields also references a broad range of additional codes, frameworks and standards in compiling the report, including the King IV Code on Corporate Governance (King IV). The full list can be found in the Annual Financial Report (p15 – 16). We consider that this IAR, together with additional documents held online, complies with the requirements of the GRI Standards.
Non-IFRS measures are used throughout the IAR. These have been defined in the Management's discussion and analysis of the financial statement in the Annual Financial Report.
Average exchange rates for 2018 of R13.20/US$1 and US$0.747/A$1 have been used in this report. For 2019, forecast exchange rates of R13.61/US$1 and US$0.75/A$1 have been used.
Gold Fields has complied with the ICMM Sustainable Development Framework, Principles, Position Statements and Reporting Requirements (see Independent Assurance Statement to the Board of Directors and Stakeholders of Gold Fields Limited, for the assurance hereof).
Our compliance with the ICMM is addressed throughout this report and on our website. This detail covers:
ERM has provided independent reasonable assurance over selected sustainability information in this report, which is prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: core option. As a member of the ICMM, we are committed to obtaining assurance in line with the ICMM Sustainable Development Framework: Assurance Procedure. ERM has provided assurance over our statement on compliance with the ICMM Sustainable Development Framework, Principles and Reporting Requirements. The key sustainability performance data for assurance by ERM in 2018 can be found on
Key sustainability performance data.
The Gold Fields Board of Directors acknowledges its responsibility to ensure the integrity of this IAR and has applied its collective mind throughout the preparation of this report. The Board believes that the integrated report is presented in compliance with the International Integrated Reporting Framework. Furthermore, the Board considers that this IAR complies in all material respects with the relevant statutory requirements of the various regulations governing disclosure and reporting by Gold Fields and that the annual financial statements comply in all material respects with the South African Companies Act No 71 of 2008, as amended, as well as with the International Financial Reporting Standards.
As such, the Board unanimously approves the content of the IAR 2018, including the Annual Financial Report 2018, and authorised its release on 29 March 2019.
Cheryl Carolus
Chairperson of the Board
25 March 2019
Given our commitment to sustainable development, there is great potential for Gold Fields to make an important and lasting contribution towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Gold Fields seeks to work with partners to catalyse lasting social and economic progress that supports an end to poverty, protects the planet and ensures prosperity for all. The following development goals are viewed as critical in the work of the mining and metals sector in particular.
Where we believe our work is relevant to achievement of these goals the icons below will appear in this IAR.
Good Health and Wellbeing |
Quality Education |
Clean Water and Sanitation |
Affordable and Clean Energy |
Decent Work and Economic Growth |
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure |
Sustainable Cities and Communities |
Responsible Consumption and Production |
Climate Action |
Life on Land |
Partnerships for the Goals |
Send us your feedback:
To ensure that we report on issues that matter to our stakeholders please provide any feedback and questions to: investors@goldfields.com, sustainability@goldfields.com or visit www.goldfields.com to download the feedback form.
Please refer to our online report at www.goldfields.com |
Please refer to our online report at www.goldfields.com |
Please refer to our online report at www.goldfields.com |