Our business and value creation model
Financial capital
- Capital investment framework to prioritise investment in line with strategy
- Operational budgets
- Selected hedging of exchange rates and commodity prices
- Net debt: US$1,303m (end-2017)
- Dedicated expenditure (2017):
- US$840m capital expenditure
- US$217m growth capital
- US$623 sustaining capital
- US$87m near-mine exploration spending
- US$1,837m procurement budget
- Ghana Development Agreement
Human capital
- 8,856 employees; 9,738 contractors (comprising exploration, financial, mining, processing, operational, human resources, legal investor relations, sustainable development expertise)
Natural capital
- Water withdrawal: 32,985ML
- Energy usage: 12,178TJ
Intellectual capital
- Innovation and technology strategy and implementation
- Extensive exploration database on our Australian projects
- Geological mapping in partnership with technology companies
- Partnerships with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) for efficient use of machinery and mine vehicles
- Identification and implementation of low carbon and renewable energy projects
Social and relationship capital
- Regulatory licences
- Social licence to operate from our hostcommunities
- Six Shared Value community investment projects
Manufactured capital
- Six open pit or shallow underground mechanised operations in Australia, Ghana and Peru
- One deep-level, bulk underground mechanised operation in South Africa
- Two development projects
- Seven Carbon-in-leach or Carbon-in-pulp processing facilities
- 27 tailings storage facilities, of which 16 are active
- Three on-site gas-fired power plants
- US$162m investment portfolio
- Extended average life-of-mine profile of our portfolio of mines
- 2.16Moz of gold produced
- US$2.85bn in value distributed to stakeholders
- US$1.86bn in operational and capital procurements
- US$506m spent on employee salaries, wages,benefits and bonus payments
- Gold-eq Mineral Resources of 104Moz and Mineral Reserves of 49Moz at end-December 2017
- CO2 emissions: 1.96Mt
- Mining waste: 212Mt
Skills development and training
- US$20m invested in training
- 223 hours of training per employee
- US$17m investment in SED funding to benefit host communities
- Host community workforce employment: 7,516 people
- Host community procurement spend: US$774m
- Improved shareholder confidence
- US$160m paid in dividends and interest
- Mine closure liabilities of US$381m
- Net debt increased by US$137m to US$1,303m in 2017
- US$2m in net cash-outflow
- Free cash-flow margin of 16%
Safety and health
- Three fatalities
- 2.42 total recordable injuries per million hours worked
Community investments
- 1,850 job created and preserved at Damang
- US$17m in SED spent in our host communities
- Around 40% of our total workforce is sourced from host communities
- 45% of our goods and services from host community enterprises
- Strengthened social licence to operate