Key sustainability performance data

Table 1. Data for selected sustainability performance indicators for the 2017 reporting year presented for reasonable assurance in accordance with Subject Matter 4 of the International Council on Mining and Metals' (ICMM) Sustainable Development Framework: Assurance Procedure, and prepared in accordance with the internal Gold Fields' GRI Assurance KPI definitions (available on Gold Fields' website), and the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards.

Parameter Unit Reported 2017 data
Total CO2 equivalent emissions, Scope 1‐3 Tonnes 1,959,035
Electricity purchased MWh 1,366,086
Diesel KL 188,140
Total energy consumed/total tonnes mined GJ/total tonnes mined 0.058 (12,178,119.73 GJ/ 208,520,018.06 tonnes)
Total energy consumed/ounces of gold produced GJ/ounces of gold produced 5.46 (12,178,119.73 GJ/ 2,232,443.05 ounces)
Total water withdrawal ML 32,985
Total water recycled/re‐used per annum ML 43,289
Water intensity KL withdrawn/ounces of gold produced 14.78 (32,985,196.00 KL/ 2,232,443.05 ounces)
Number of environmental incidents ‐ Level 3 and above Number of incidents 2 incidents
Number of cases of Silicosis reported Number of cases 11 cases
Number of cases of Noise Induced Hearing Loss reported Number of cases 5 cases
Cardio Respiratory (Tuberculosis) Number new cases reported 21 cases
Number of cases of Malaria tested positive per annum Number of positive cases 409 positive cases
Number of South African and West African employees in the HAART programme (cumulative) Number of employees 370 employees
Percentage of South African and West African workforce on the voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) programme Percentage of workforce 40.01%
Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) Number of TRIs/manhours 2.42 (138 TRIs/57,099,862 manhours)
Number of fatalities Number 3
Total socio-economic development (SED) spend US$ $17,486 797.51
Percentage of host community employment % 40.42%
Percentage of host community procurement spend % 44.62%
Total value created and distributed US$ $2,850,000,000.00

Table 2. Selected sustainability performance indicators for the 2017 reporting year presented for reasonable assurance in accordance with Subject Matter 4 of the ICMM's Sustainable Development Framework: Assurance Procedure, and prepared in accordance with the Broad-Based Socio-Economic Empowerment Charter for the South African Mining and Minerals Industry (BBSEEC) (2002) and related Scorecard (2004); the Amendment to the BBSEEC (2010) and related scorecard (2010) for the South African Mining and Minerals Industry.

Parameter Unit Reported 2017 data
Mining Charter    
Housing and living conditions    
Occupancy rate of one person per room Ratio (employee:hostel room) 0.91 employees to hostel room ratio
Percentage conversion of hostels into family units Percentage (%) 100%
Procurement and enterprise development    
Procurement spend from BEE1 entity Capital goods (%) 80%
  Services (%) 83%
  Consumable goods (%) 88%
Total procurement spend on BEE1 entities Total BEE procurement spend (R) R2,105,058,754.24
  Total procurement spend (R) R2,501,786,063.86
  Number of BEE entities with valid BEE credentials (n) 416 entities
Annual spend on procurement from multi-national suppliers: Contribution set aside/allocated by the mining right holders Percentage (%) 0.86%
Employment equity    
HDSAs2 in management Top (Board) (%) 33%
  Senior (Exco) (%) 88%
  Middle (%) 58%
  Junior (%) 49%
  Core skills (%) 73%
Human resource development (HRD)    
HRD expenditure as a percentage of total annual payroll (excluding mandatory skills development levy) Percentage (%) 10%
Mine community development    
Total LED3 spend for the year and LED spend per SLP4 project in the current year Total LED spend (R) R6 296 197.27
Up to date implementation of approved community projects Percentage (%) implementation of (each) project 90%
Sustainable development and growth    
Approved EMP5 implementation Percentage (%) 100%
Tripartite action plan on health and safety implementation Percentage (%) 86%
Percentage of samples in South African facilities Percentage (%) 100%

1 Black Economic Empowerment

2 Historically Disadvantaged South African

3 Local Economic Development

4 Social and Labour Plan

5 Environmental Management Programme