Innovation and technology

Innovation and Technology (I&T) is critical to improving health, safety, mined volumes and, ultimately, costs and efficiencies. During 2017, the I&T division at Gold Fields, which has technical oversight throughout the Group, started implementing the I&T strategy approved by the Board in late 2016.

The thrust of the strategy is to modernise, integrate and optimise existing systems and processes. This will contribute significantly to ensuring mining volumes through compliance to plans and scheduling, and in turn, increase cost efficiencies. Only once this has been embedded would we consider a more comprehensive drive towards full mine automation.

The ultimate goal of the strategy is to work towards the 'Gold Fields Mine of the Future', which is premised on automation, an integrated digital data platform, remote machine operation, virtual reality and reduced mining waste. In addition, partnerships with IT companies and original equipment manufacturers that are leaders in the field will be integral to successful implementation of the strategy.

The strategy envisages three distinct phases, namely:

  • Horizon one (one - two years): Foundational and modernisation phase
  • Horizon two (three - seven years): Transformation to the Gold Fields Mine of the Future
  • Horizon three (seven years +): The Gold Fields Mine of the Future

During 2017 the following milestones were achieved by Gold Fields' operations in implementing the I&T strategy:

  • Purchased high-precision GPS drilling rigs at Cerro Corona and Tarkwa to improve drill efficiencies
  • Rolled out drone survey technology in West Africa for pit, waste dump and TSF surveys
  • Rolled out mine sense blending software and systems at Cerro Corona
  • Increased use of tele-remote systems from surface at Granny Smith
  • Calibrated and confirmed the Gold Fields I&T strategy by a group of young employees at the Company
  • Included I&T Horizon one performance objectives in the scorecards of key managers
  • Upgraded the Gold Fields technical structures

During 2017, our regions were also tasked with developing and starting to implement their own roadmaps to support the Group's objectives, including identifying I&T projects for implementation in 2018.

The following reflect our major Group-wide project objectives for 2018:

  • Start to upgrade information technology and operating technology networks at all our operations. This includes installing underground wireless technologies in South Africa and Australia to enable real-time data availability to assist our teams in decision making (see diagram below)
  • Defining the Company's future operating platform - how will Gold Fields operate in a digital mining environment?
  • Rollout the 'Mine of the Future Hearts and Minds' programme among employees to develop a manufacturing mindset among the workforce at our operations

The regional-specific objectives for 2018 are outlined below and span the exploration, mining and processing areas of the mining value chain:

  • The key focus for the Australian region is streamlining exploration time through better data management which enables faster interpretation of the resource to reserve process. Furthermore, St Ives is implementing collision avoidance and underground fleet management systems, while underground remote loading technology is also being reviewed at all our Australian mines
  • In Ghana, the focus will be on mine optimisation through upgrading of the Tarkwa and Damang fleet management systems and exploiting drilling opportunities through the use of the new GPS drill rigs. Drone survey technology will also be rolled out at both mines
  • The Cerro Corona mine will be using upgraded operating software and a new dispatch system that will focus on porphyry ore blending to reduce variation of stock feed, thereby optimising plant recoveries
  • The South Deep mine will upgrade its underground wireless connectivity and radio communications systems, which will enable it to use technologies such as real-time vehicle telemetry, people monitoring and environmental control. The mine will also seek to use spatial data systems that allow visualisation and monitoring of mining plans to improve efficiencies in mining processes

I&T Strategy – New operating platform

With the emergence of new technology solutions, it is now possible to collect real-time data from across the value stream. With the implementation of new IT task management platforms, this production data can be compared to the mining plan in real time, allowing us to react immediately to changes from the plan.

This new real-time production data will also be used to gain deeper business insight and, through the analysis of both spatial and task compliance, identify longer term patterns and constraints; this in turn will optimise our medium to long-term planning.

Once the modernisation programme is completed, we will focus on the integration and optimisation phases. These phases aim to optimise the assets, through an integrated systems approach for all work and data streams. Operating in a fully integrated environment requires a culture change, making decisions based on data and a collaborative environment.

We refer to this new operating environment as the future operating platform, creating greater business insights and driving consolidated strategic innovation based on data.