Johannesburg, 21 January 2020: Gold Fields Limited (Gold Fields) (JSE, NYSE: GFI) is pleased to announce that it is one of only 325 companies globally included in the 2020 Bloomberg Gender-Equality
Index (GEI).
This is the second year running that Gold Fields is included in the GEI, which tracks the performance of public companies committed to supporting gender equality through policy development, representation, and transparency. The index measures gender equality across a number of pillars: female leadership and talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay parity, inclusive culture, sexual harassment policies, pro-women branding, disclosure and data.
Rosh Bardien, EVP People & Organisational Effectiveness at Gold Fields, comments: “Working in five countries with nine mines and one project, diversity is key to our success. Over the past 18 months we have focused on creating a truly inclusive workplace by launching a Group diversity and inclusion strategy. Being included in the GEI for the second year shows that we are on the right track.”
Across its global workforce, 20% of Gold Fields employees are women (2018: 19%), with 20% of management positions held by females (2018: 18%).
Through disclosure of gender-related metrics using the GEI framework, the firms included in the 2020 GEI have provided a comprehensive look at their investment in workplace gender equality and the communities in which they operate. Gold Fields was included in this year’s index for scoring at or above a global threshold established by Bloomberg to reflect a high level of disclosure and overall performance across the framework’s pillars.
The GEI surveys companies in 42 countries and regions across 50 different industry sectors with the aim of encouraging companies to disclose company statistics and practices as an important first step in supporting gender equality globally.