Media release

Gold Fields Australia wins appeal in native title proceedings

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Johannesburg, 29 March 2016: Gold Fields Limited (Gold Fields) (JSE, NYSE: GFI) is pleased to announce that the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia today overturned a July 2014 Federal Court decision that the re-grant of certain tenements to Gold Fields Australia’s St Ives mine in 2004 by the State was not compliant with the correct processes in the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth).

As such, the Federal Court has confirmed that St Ives’ re-granted tenements are valid for the purpose of the Native Title Act, and that whilst St Ives’ rights as tenement holder and the Ngadju People’s native title rights shall coexist, St Ives’ rights shall prevail should there be any inconsistencies.

Gold Fields welcomes this finding, which confirms that it has at all times complied with its legal obligations in respect of its dealings with these tenements. Gold Fields will continue to openly engage with the Ngadju People, and all other community stakeholders in relation to its operations in Australia.

It is not yet clear whether the Ngadju People will seek to appeal this decision.

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