Media release

Gold Fields ranked top SA mining company in the 2020 DJSI

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Johannesburg, 17 November 2020: Gold Fields Limited (Gold Fields) (JSE, NYSE: GFI) has again been ranked the top South African mining company in the prestigious Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI).

Gold Fields was ranked 4th among 75 mining companies and 2nd among gold mining companies. Canada’s Teck Resources was the metals and mining industry leader based on its score of 90. Gold Fields’ score was 80, more than double the industry average of 39. Gold Fields has consistently achieved a Top 5 metals and mining ranking in the DJSI since it started participating in 2011.

The 2020 DJSI scorecard, which was released this week, measures a range of environmental, social and governance (ESG) management practices through an annual assessment of the world's 1,400 largest companies. The DJSI assessment is carried out SAM, a subsidiary of ratings agency S&P Global.

"Our continued strong showing on the DJSI illustrates that we have fully integrated ESG practices into our business. This is critical because we are no long only assessed on our operational and financial performance, but that we are doing so responsibly and to the benefit of all our stakeholders,” says Gold Fields CEO Nick Holland.

Manjit Jus, Global Head of ESG Research and Data at S&P Global, says: “We congratulate Gold Fields for being included in the DJSI World Index. A DJSI distinction is a reflection of being a sustainability leader in your industry. With a record number of companies participating in the 2020 Corporate Sustainability Assessment and more stringent rules for inclusion this year, this sets your company apart and rewards your continued commitment to people and planet."

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