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Gold Fields is in the top five of companies to attract and retain talent in Peru - News es euro

Friday, 14 June 2024

According to the Merco Talento 2024 Ranking, the mining company stands out in the mining sector for its commitment to its people and providing innovative programs that impact the comprehensive well-being of each of its collaborators.

In the most recent Merco Talento 2024 Ranking, a barometer that evaluates the contribution of local companies in their employer brand dimension; Gold Fields has been recognized as one of the best companies in the mining sector for retaining, caring for and building loyalty among its talents, ranking in fourth position and climbing four positions in relation to the same evaluation last year.

In this business evaluation, 3 key dimensions were considered: Work Quality, Employer Brand and Internal Reputation. And thanks to an excellent result, Gold Fields reached fourth place out of 13 mining companies evaluated. In addition, it repeats its presence within the Top 100 companies in this ranking, taking position 35 and rising 25 positions compared to 2023.

“We are very proud of the achievements made by our team. The rise in this ranking is a milestone that fills us with gratitude and drives us to move forward, because it not only reinforces our Employer Brand, but also demonstrates our firm commitment to the development of our talent. This recognition is a reflection of our continued dedication to providing learning opportunities that enable each member of our team to reach their full potential. “We will continue to strengthen the experience of our people and unlock all their capabilities to achieve excellence”commented Verónica Valderrama, Vice President of Human Resources, Americas Region of Gold Fields.

It is worth mentioning that the Merco Talento 2024 Ranking was verified and validated by the consulting firm KPMG and 35 thousand surveys were carried out with external workers, own workers, final cycle university students, human resources directors, talent management experts and headhunters, unions, professors, among others, who are in charge of offering the scores according to the dimensions evaluated for all companies.

Gold Fields Way of Being:

Gold Fields puts people at the center of the business and remains firmly committed to the well-being and development of its team, striving to create an environment where everyone feels proud to belong to the company and contribute to the purpose of create value that lasts beyond mining.

The company guides its actions through policies of leadership, connection and closeness; values, suitable environment, growth and development; Diversity and inclusion. Its main programs include: High Performance Center; #BastaYa!, Mining Protagonists, Recognition Program; among others. All under a robust safety culture.

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