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Cerro Corona committed to implementing decarbonization, water and tailings management strategies - News es euro

Thursday, 6 June 2024

Within the framework of World Environment Day, the mining company Gold Fields reinforces its commitment to continue working for a legacy of value for its communities, promote socioeconomic development, prioritizing environmental management, which includes aspects such as water administration, the use of clean energy, care of biodiversity, land use planning and integrated mine closure.

“One of our company’s main priorities towards 2030 is to comply with environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles. This means being respectful of all the resources we use in our operation. For example, in line with our decarbonization strategy, we have committed to reducing net CO2 equivalent emissions by 30% by 2030, thanks to the use of energy generated from renewable sources, and the absolute goal will involve a 50% reduction in such emissions. This important objective is aligned with the commitment that we also maintain as a country in the Paris Agreement and the fight for climate change,” highlighted Edwin Zegarra, Environment Manager, of Gold Fields.

Key indicators:

In environmental matters, Gold Fields has the Level 2 Carbon Footprint Program Certification of the Ministry of the Environment; It is also associated with the United Nations Global Compact and registered in the S&P Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Likewise, its main environmental management actions include:

– Water care: 75% of the water used in Cerro Corona is recycled or reused. Let us remember that the water collection of your operation comes mainly from groundwater and rainwater.
– Tailings management: the company achieved 87% compliance with the GISTM standard (GLOBAL STANDARD ON TAILINGS FOR THE MINING INDUSTRY). This is thanks to the execution of internal procedures, technical studies, field inspections and evaluation, contracting of consulting services for adaptation and review of information.
– Responsible supply chain: the suppliers and contractors with whom the company works must adhere to the code of conduct and internal policies, in addition to environmental and social standards. They are also required to sign a declaration that includes a commitment to comply with the Anti-Corruption Practices Law.

“We are also proud of Our Integrated Safety, Occupational Health, Environment and Energy System (SSYMA), which has been developed and certified under the international ISO standards models. With these tools we validate all the effort and commitment of each worker to comply beyond what the law requires of us and contribute with a legacy that benefits people and the environment,” concludes Domingo Drago, vice president of Corporate Affairs and Sustainable Development. by Gold Fields.

About Gold Fields

Gold Fields is a diversified global gold producer with nine operating mines in Australia, South Africa, Ghana, Chile and Peru, as well as a project in Canada. It has total attributable annual gold equivalent production of 2.30 million ounces, proven and probable gold mineral reserves of 46.1 million ounces, measured and indicated gold mineral resources of 31.1 million ounces (excluding mineral reserves) and inferred gold mineral resources of 11.2 million ounces (excluding mineral reserves). Its shares are listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

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