Communication from Gold Fields, highlighted that they have contributed more than one billion soles in taxes and royalties to Cajamarca from 2016 to 2023. He also said that in voluntary social contributions the mining company has invested more than 320 million soles in the construction of a health center in Hualgayoc, an access road, ponds, microreservoirs, a water treatment plant and study scholarships for young people.
"Gold Fields, in addition to complying with Peruvian laws, from 2016 to 2023, has contributed more than 1,000 million soles in taxes and fees, of which 50% is destined for the Cajamarca region and this It obviously goes to the provincial and district municipalities of Hualgayoc, which is where we have our Cerro Corona operation," he said through the Regional Communication Network (RCR).
He also pointed out that Gold Fields makes a voluntary social contribution, which is in line with its social responsibility guidelines. "Since 2008 when we began operating until today, we have invested more than 320 million soles in some strategic axes of sustainable development for our host communities," he indicated.
"We do every social or social investment project under a multi-actor strategy, which implies involving all actors in the project to precisely make the Gold Fields investment sustainable," he stated during the XV International Mining Meeting Symposium, organized by the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE).
He highlighted that the company built a type III health center in Hualgayoc, which allows people from the communities and the city of Hualgayoc to receive care in the same city and not have to travel to other provinces in the Cajamarca region. "The paving of road infrastructure from kilometer 37 to the Cerro Corona operation, which is at kilometer 80, from Hualgayoc to Cajamarca," he added.
He added that last year they built five lakes to promote the development of agriculture and livestock. "Also last year and this year we are implementing, together with the district municipality of Hualgayoc, the construction of more than 230 micro reservoirs that also allow the development and catapult of agricultural and livestock activity in the area," he stated.
Regarding water for human consumption, he highlighted that they have delivered a water treatment plant for the Manuel Vásquez association, which benefits not only the district of Hualgayoc, but also the district of Bambamarca. "There are nearly 18,000 users who benefit from this treatment plant for human consumption," he said.
"For us young people it is also very important and I believe that the programs we have in education are the programs that benefit young people. For example, right now we have a university scholarship program. From 2010 to date, we have awarded more than 104 university scholarships to improve the educational quality of the best students in the Hualgayoc district," he stressed.