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MLG Oz's integrated operating model to be tested at Gold Fields sites - International Mining

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Gold Fields has formally awarded the provision of site services and haulage at its Granny Smith underground gold mine, and open-pit mining services at St Ives for the Swiftsure deposit, to MLG, the mining services provider says.

The letter of award from Gold Fields is subject to both parties reaching agreement on formal terms.

Along with these new opportunities, MLG has also successfully extended its contractual arrangements to support Gold Fields' Agnew site in a planned cut back of its Barren Lands open pit.

The Granny Smith contract is for a three-year term with an option to extend for another two years, with the contract expected to contribute some A$9 million ($5.9 million) in additional revenue in MLG's 2024 financial year.

The Swiftsure open-pit mining services at St Ives comes with projected revenue of circa-A$20 million, with the project comprising a single open-pit gold mine incorporating load and haul services. The initial project is expected to be completed in eight months, starting in January.

The planned cut-back of the Barren Lands open pit at Agnew involves supplying the necessary mining equipment to execute drill and blast and load and haul activities, with the works having commenced in November 2023 and expected to continue through to March 2024.

MLG founder, Managing Director and majority shareholder, Murray Leahy, said: "We are delighted to expand our integrated services model across Gold Fields' portfolio and to bring our site services expertise to their Granny Smith operations. MLG can now provide a consistent approach across all of Gold Fields' Australian mine sites. In addition, the award of the open-pit mining scope of works at the Swiftsure deposit at St Ives, and the extension of works at the Barren Lands open pit operation at Agnew, acknowledges the breadth of service and overall capabilities across MLG's integrated operating model."

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