Gold Fields was part of a series of celebrations that took place in recent days in honor of the Blessed Virgin of Carmen, patron saint of Hualgayoc.
During the celebrations, company employees joined the traditional Tingo, Pilancones and Hualgayoc agricultural fairs, where they awarded prizes to the participants with the aim of contributing to the development of other economic activities such as agriculture and livestock.
Highlighting its commitment to social awareness and gender equality, Gold Fields played a key role at the Hualgayoc Agricultural Fair. In collaboration with the Hualgayoc Women’s Emergency Center (CEM – Hualgayoc), the company offered talks and recreational activities designed to sensitize the population about the importance of combating violence, especially against women.
In addition, the mining company had the honor of offering, together with the community of devotees of the Coymolache farmhouse, the last novena mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin of Carmen.
After the religious ceremony, collaborators from various areas joined in the typical dances, games and other traditional activities that enrich the cultural heritage of Hualgayoc.
In the same way, they participated in the traditional parade in honor of the “Hualgayoquina Identity Day” with the participation of local authorities, social organizations and the general population.
Gold Fields reaffirms its continued commitment to be an active and supportive partner in the Hualgayoc community. These customary festivities not only strengthen ties between the company and the community, but also highlight the core values ​​of respect and equality that guide Gold Fields’ operations in the region.commented Luis Guerrero, Senior Coordinator of External Communication.