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Gold Fields Peru highlights its commitment to the security and protection of human rights -

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

In 2023, the Regional Declaration of Human Rights was approved for the operations in Peru and Chile.

Human rights recognize and protect the dignity of all people. Companies are no strangers to this, which is why they have procedures that allow them to safeguard safe working conditions and manage the environmental impacts of their operations to contribute to the progress of society.

For this reason, Gold Fields incorporated the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to establish respect for human rights in all its workers, strategic partners, members of its operations and civil society as a whole.

Last Thursday in the framework of the annual plan of the Human Rights Committee of the National Mining, Oil and Energy Society (SNMPE), chaired by Jenny Vento; Giovanni Rossinelli and Antonio Rios-Pita, Technical Manager of Sustainable Development and Manager of Internal Protection and Internal Security of Gold Fields, respectively, presented Gold Fields’ strategy and commitment to Human Rights, in all its stakeholders.

"Gold Fields, being a global company, has quality standards applied locally and regionally. This means that, as a leading company, it assumes the political commitment of human rights and helps workers take action on the importance of absolute respect", commented Jenny Vento, President of the Human Rights Committee of the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy – SNMPE.

Likewise, "the company has presented us with its management on the security of human rights, the voluntary principles, its relationship with public and private security; and the identification of gaps to continue improving continuously".

It should be noted that in 2018 the baseline was developed in Cerro Corona for the application of the Voluntary Principles, which was approved that same year, aimed at key collaborators and contractor companies to improve operating practices with quality standards.

"As an organization committed to human rights, we make sure that all mechanisms are covered, from social responsibility, safe work, gender identity, and the joint work we have been doing to obtain social acceptance in our environment. We generate trust and transparent dialogue with our audiences", said Giovanni Rossinelli, Technical Manager of Sustainable Development.

For his part, Antonio Rios-Pita, Internal Protection and Internal Security Manager at Gold Fields, highlighted the importance of obtaining legitimacy with his allies.

"Through our way of acting, we build trust with all our partners, workers and communities in the area of direct influence. In this way we continue to operate properly with an important legitimacy for the continuity of our activities and projects.", he pointed out.

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