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Gold Fields' Rivera says Peru should support mining investments -

Friday, 14 July 2023

In an exclusive dialogue with Rumbo Minero, the executive vice president of Gold Fields Americas Region, Luis Rivera welcomed the fact that the government is clear that it is the mining sector that will leverage the future development of the country.

The former president of the Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru (IIMP) pointed out that the Executive understands that mining is the anchor of the other activities that must be developed in the country. And as proof of this, he applauded the messages of the Prime Minister, Alberto Otárola and the Minister of Energy and Mines, Óscar Vera, during the inauguration of the VIII Meeting of Miners and Suppliers – MINPRO2023.

"As a mining businessman I salute the message given by the ministers and the president of the Council of Ministers. I think that there is clarity in the Executive that it is the mining industry that is going to leverage the future development of the country,"he said.

Rivera added that the government should focus on short- and long-term measures. He said that what is immediate is promotion so that current operations can be expanded, ensuring that mining operations are maintained and can be expanded.

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