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Gold Fields, committed to sound ESG principles, achieves GEI ranking - African Mining

Friday, 17 February 2023

Gold Fields Limited has once again been included in the 2022 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI), one of only 485 companies globally to achieve this.

The GEI ranking, released on 31 January this year, is one of a number of recent achievements by Gold Fields, which has entrenched its commitment to sound environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices as one of the key pillars of its strategy.

In December 2021, the company launched wide-ranging 2030 ESG targets that will underpin the company's long-term, sustainable value creation over the next decade. "We need to manage ESG issues in full alignment with our business strategy and to fulfil our purpose of creating enduring value beyond mining," says Gold Fields interim CEO Martin Preece. "Our stakeholders are not only expecting that we pay great attention to ESG issues, but also that we disclose the impact of these issues.

"A critical part of this commitment is transparent reporting and benchmarking ourselves against our peers through internationally recognised frameworks and indices," he adds. Gold Fields has recorded a number of strong performances in this area recently.

Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI)

This is the fifth year in a row that Gold Fields has been listed in the GEI, which measures policies across five pillars: female leadership, equal pay, inclusive culture, anti-sexual harassment policies, and pro-women brand. Scores are also awarded for transparency on gender-related data. Gold Fields achieved an average GEI score of 77%, up from 69% in 2021, and above the 73% average of other companies in the index. Its disclosure score was 100%. Across its global workforce at the end of 2022, 23% of Gold Fields employees were women (2022: 22%). Over a six-year period, the improvements have been more pronounced: in 2016 women representation in the total workforce and in leadership was only 15% each. Over half of female employees at Gold Fields work in core mining roles.

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