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Gruyere mine delivers on 2022 production guidance - The Market Herald

Thursday, 12 January 2023

Annual production at Gold Road Resources’ (GOR) jointly-owned Gruyere mine was in line with its 2022 full year guidance.

The company shares an equally-split interest in the Western Australia-based mine with Gruyere Mining Company, a subsidiary of the Gold Fields group.

In CY2022, Gruyere produced 315,647 ounces of gold which was in line with the full year guidance of 300,000 to 340,000 ounces set in January last year.

For the December quarter specifically, the mine produced 74,201 ounces of gold, which is less than the 83,635 ounces produced in the September quarter.

It processed 2.1 million tonnes of ore at a head grade of 1.18 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, while 92.1 per cent of gold was recovered during the quarter.

In terms of finances, Gold Road sold 37,295 ounces of gold at an average price of $2476 per ounce, and delivered 6480 ounces at an average of $1735 into the last remaining forward sales contracts.

The company ended the December quarter with $80.7 million in cash and equivalents following a $26 million investment in De Grey Mining shares in October.

Gold Road has maintained its 19.75 per cent interest in the fellow ASX-listed materials stock.

Gold Road shares were down 3.53 per cent to trade at $1.78 at 1:00 pm AEDT.

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