OPERATIONS Exploration
At Gold Fields, we recognise the significant potential of sustainable greenfields exploration projects, and we strategically invest in junior exploration companies in high-potential regions. When done responsibly, greenfields exploration can bring significant benefits to local communities and stakeholders.
Edinburgh Park project
In Queensland, we have a JV with Great Southern Mining on tenements surrounding Mt Carlton.
Lachlan Fold Belt
We are working in partnership with Gold and Copper Resources on three tenements in Orange, New South Wales.
West Tanami Project
In the Kimberley region of Western Australia, Gold Fields has a JV with Killi Resources. This project covers approximately 1,600km² of the Tanami gold belt.
El Zorro gold project
In the Atacama province in Chile, Gold Fields has invested in the ASX-listed Tesoro Gold, which is exploring the El Zorro old project close to our Salares Norte mine.
Margarita and Santa Cecilia projects
We have invested in Torq Resources’ gold-copper projects in Chile.
Soledad project
In central Peru, Gold Fields has invested in Chakana Copper’s gold-copper-silver project, Soledad.