SUSTAINABILITY Direct and Indirect Economic Impacts
Gold Fields' sustainable economic performance is critical to the value creation of the Company. Our financial and operational performance largely determines the profitability of the Company, which is essential for its future growth and long-term sustainability. It is also critical in sharing the wealth of mining with our key stakeholders, including our employees, business partners, host communities, host governments and capital providers.
An important partner and stakeholder are the communities that host our operations. Without their support, managing mines becomes a lot more difficult – indeed, communities can stop operations and in many developing countries they do so if they believe they are not receiving their fair share of the wealth or that mining damages their livelihoods or environments.
As such community value creation is a critical component of our direct and indirect economic impact. Directly, through the employment of community members in our workforce, procurement from host community enterprises, and investment in community projects in the areas of skills development, education, health and infrastructure development. Indirectly, as host community employees, contractors and businesses create economic wealth, skills and further jobs in these communities.
We report on our direct and indirect economic impacts in our Integrated Annual Report and Report to Stakeholders. The Gold Fields Board, particularly its Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee has oversight of these matters.
Our Community Policy Statement was updated in 2021 and commits us to developing mutually
beneficial relationships with our host communities, host governments and other key stakeholders through meaningful and transparent engagement.
To attain this, we commit to:
Everyone working for and on behalf of, and third parties to Gold Fields plays a role in achieving these commitments by:
The following internal policies and guidelines support our work in this area:
Our Society and Community Charter commits us to:
As a member of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), we engage actively with our peers on social and economic benefits in the organisation’s committees, working groups and practice groups. We are required to implement and publicly report and assure our performance against its Mining Principles and Performance Expectations and Position Statements, particularly:
Performance Expectations:
Position Statements:
Mining Partnerships for Development:
We apply ICMM’s guidance on:
As a member of the World Gold Council (WGC), we are required to implement and publicly report and assure our performance against its Responsible Gold Mining Principles, particularly:
We interact with peers on social and economic benefits in a range of ICMM working groups specifically the ICMM Community Support Practice Group and Skills Initiatives Working Group.
National industry associations in our countries of operation also address social and economic benefits and we participate actively in these forms.
Economic Performance:
The three pillars of the Gold Fields strategy are critical in achieving our economic performance:
The highest level of responsibility for economic performance lies with the Board of Directors, which approves the strategic direction for the Company’s economic performance. The strategy is developed by the executive leadership team with implementation by the regional offices and the various operations.
Stakeholder Value Creation:
We cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with our stakeholders to strengthen our reputation and social licence to operate and deliver enduring value where we operate.
We recognise the importance of strong community relations to our social licence to operate. We are committed to avoid and prevent, minimise, mitigate and/or remedy the negative impacts of our operations on host communities and other stakeholders, while also delivering enduring social and economic well-being. Through meaningful engagement founded on mutual respect and trust, continual improvement of our social performance and our commitment to create and share value, we seek to create enduring value beyond mining.
Each region implements Government Action Plans and Community Action Plans, aligned to Group guidance, ensuring delivery of these commitments.
Gold Fields' approach to creating positive community value creation and community relations comprises the following:
In keeping with Gold Fields guidance, all of our operations and projects implement environmental and social impact assessments and management plans as required. Consistent practices across all our sites include ongoing, planned community engagements, formal grievance management, social risk assessments and socio-economic development and shared value programmes.
Community Value Creation:
In 2016, Gold Fields started implementing a strategy aimed at enhancing host community value creation. At that point, we ranked losing our social licence to operate as the Group's fifth-highest risk. This risk has decreased due to the successful implementation of our targeted Host Community Value Creation Strategy, including host community procurement, job creation and socio-economic development, and other social performance and environmental management strategies.
Our Host Community Value Creation Strategy is based on a shared value approach where Gold Fields takes a proactive role in simultaneously addressing business and social needs. Shared value goes beyond mitigating the potential harm in a company’s value chain – it is about identifying new opportunities for economic success by incorporating social priorities into business strategy and working collaboratively with multiple stakeholders to find solutions to various socio-economic and environmental issues. A key component of this approach is to ensure that the value created is shared by the business and the community. Our Host Community Procurement and Job Creation programmes has the goal of increasing the proportion of sustainable host community procurement and jobs. Each region is implementing plans, aligned to Group guidance, that include targets for host community procurement and employment.
The diagram below details the community-focused levers available to us:
We have framed and conceptualised a pipeline of legacy programmes for implementation from 2023 to 2030. These focus on creating enduring value by addressing our host communities' most pressing development needs, while ensuring economic value creation beyond the life-of-mine and outside the mine's supply chain. The programmes seek to promote: Economic diversification and employment, Climate resilience and protection of water and nature, Sustainable and profitable agriculture, Cultural and heritage preservation, and Quality health. These legacy programmes build on Gold Fields' 2030 ESG target to generate measurable and wide-reaching outcomes that contribute to the delivery of the UN SDGs.
Fit-for-purpose community relations teams are in place in all our operating countries. These teams collaborate with other business functions as well as our trusts and foundation to deliver community impact, often in partnership with governments, NGOs, donors and peers. Investments are funded through the operations budgeted expenditure.
We have incentivised our management teams via ESG targets since 2017, including host community value creation. This has gained further traction with the launch of our 2030 ESG targets, which are linked to performance scorecards for all Group and regional management teams.
Host communities refer to the people who live in the vicinity of our operations and who have been or could be directly affected by our exploration, construction, operational or divestment activities. Each Group operation identifies its host communities to secure its legal and social licences to operate. In total, an estimated 500,000 people live in approximately 60 communities surrounding our eight mines. Our host communities include Indigenous Peoples and their representatives, non-governmental organisations / community-based organisations, traditional authorities and local government.
Our community relations teams collaborate with other business functions as well as our trusts and foundation to deliver community value, often in partnership with governments, development organisations, NGOs, and peers. Investments are funded through the operations budgeted expenditure.
The Board – representing shareholders – evaluates the economic performance of management.
Our regions conduct regular independent assessments to measure the strength of our relationships with host communities, the social return on investment by our community projects and the value we create.
The operational and financial performance of the Company is presented on a quarterly basis to shareholders and other stakeholders at quarterly results presentations. Annually, the Integrated Annual Report provides an overview of all aspects of Gold Fields’ economic performance.
Stakeholder value creation is monitored, reported and transparently disclosed. This includes but is not limited to:
The company’s approach and commitment to value creation is publicly disclosed on the Gold Fields website.