
Windfall: One of the largest gold deposits in Canada, and a top 10 gold deposit globally by head grade

In October 2024, we acquired Osisko Mining, with 100% ownership of the Windfall Project and the extensive surrounding exploration camps in Canada’s Quebec province. Windfall was previously jointly and equally owned by Gold Fields and Osisko. It consists of three key properties: The Windfall project, and the Urban-Barry and Quévillon exploration properties.

We own the Windfall project in Canada’s Quebec province. Windfall is among the largest gold deposits in Canada, and a top 10 gold deposit globally by head grade.

About the project
  • Development of Windfall: Well advanced, with an investment of C$1bn+ to date. Osisko Mining invested more than C$800m up until the announcement of the JV with Gold Fields
  • Expected production: 300,000 ounces of gold a year at AISC of US$758/oz (2023 real terms)
  • Life-of-mine (LOM): 10 years
  • Renewable energy: The project site is powered by hydroelectricity, with the power line owned and operated by a the Cree First Nation of Waswanapi, on whose traditional land the project is located

The current focus for the project is obtaining environmental permitting for full scale construction and ongoing engagement for the execution of an Impact and Benefit Agreement with the Cree First Nation of Waswanipi and the Cree Nation Government.